Search results

  1. TerriP

    Spurgeon Sermons

    A sunshiny and Blessed day to you all So. I thought we had a module in the book section of SwordSearcher for Spurgeon Sermons. No? I was looking to buy a set of TDNT in Amazon and Spurgeon Sermons came up as one of those "you might also want to buy..." suggestions. So if we do not have it...
  2. TerriP

    New forum software migration

    Right, it's funny when we have more than one page of replies - like this here is page 3 of 3. Happened to me several times, too.
  3. TerriP

    Bible reading plan

    Just sent :)
  4. TerriP

    Video Custom Bible Search Ranges

    I'm with you, Marty. One of these days. I mean because we can learn so much more from the Bible with these resources. Thanks, Brandon!
  5. TerriP

    Bible reading plan

    I've got a Bible in a Year plan in Excel but I can't seem to upload it - looks like you can upload only certain files like Jpeg, etc...? It's neat and has the day 1, day 2, etc. listed, with a column for a checkmark. Oh, and you can start any date you want because after you enter first day...
  6. TerriP

    George Williams commentary

    Okay, thanks for checking, Brandon!
  7. TerriP

    George Williams commentary

    I don't suppose there are any plans for adding The Complete Bible Commentary by George Williams to SwordSearcher? Thanks. [uh oh I put this in "Bible" forum and I see now I should have put it in "Future" forum... too late...? sorry]
  8. TerriP

    SwordSearcher 7.2 Deluxe Hotfix 1 (free update)

    Uh, oh. I have Am I missing an update to 7.2?
  9. TerriP

    User-submitted Soulwinning Crash Course by Joseph Dearing [SoulwinCC]

    talk about digging in --- Johnny I like your new pick there :) Oh, and thanks, Joseph, will check this out soon!
  10. TerriP

    User-submitted A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

    Happens all the time. Too much information flooding our brains. We need one of those little digital recorders, keep it in our pocket like we do our cell phones. They sell them at Radio Shack and I am going to get one! Which brings up a funny story to share with you. I was talking to my mom...
  11. TerriP

    User-submitted A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

    I did not know either, that LORD (capitalized) could sometimes be YAHH or JAH (יָהּ) which per Strong's is a contraction for Y@hovah (יְהֹוָה) - that's a nice catch, Marty. So every time we see LORD it is not necessarily Y@hovah. Look at Isaiah 12:2! Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust...
  12. TerriP

    User-submitted A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

    This morning I found this in my Psalm 119 study, verse 103: How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! That says it better. Of course :) And thanks again for the further work you put into the form, sister :)
  13. TerriP

    User-submitted A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

    Well, I've read it through twice, first time actually was a bit slow because I had a huge Strong's book and since I was new to intense study I looked up everything, well, lots. Second time was a bit faster but, again, there were times I would spend a couple of days on one verse, even. By then...
  14. TerriP

    User-submitted A Bible Study Form [ABblStudy]

    So what I did was 1. download the module to my user folder 2. open SS 3. click on the tab in Books & Dictionaries named "ABblStudy" 4. and then down arrow, if I want, to whichever chapter in Genesis that I am studying 5. right click in the panel 6. left click on "copy all" 7. then paste to...
  15. TerriP

    User notes and topics search results

    Brandon LOL - you ever dial your password
  16. TerriP

    User Module- John Ploughman's Talk or Plain Advice for Plain People by C. H. Spurgeon

    Thanks, Brandon, I totally forgot :rolleyes:
  17. TerriP

    User Module- John Ploughman's Talk or Plain Advice for Plain People by C. H. Spurgeon

    where do I download the modules, to what folder
  18. TerriP

    Bible Versions

    Welcome to the SS forum, Ned :)
  19. TerriP

    User-submitted Bible Broadcasting Network Courses [BBNI]

    My goodness, an extensive library. I need more way hours in my day, because with all I have on my plate now, in this there are more than a few there I would like to take a look at... Thanks, Bill :)