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  1. TerriP

    iPhone/iTouch Release

    Taste like manna, do you suppose...? :)
  2. TerriP

    iPhone/iTouch Release

    Okay, I hesitate to even suggest this because you all put so much time and effort into making our SwordSearcher Practically Perfect In Every Way... but I just gotta: What with you (Brandon), Bones, and so many other sharp cookies doing all sorts of neat things with SwordSearcher... well why...
  3. TerriP

    Image problem.....

    Hi, Regie Who wrote that, was it you? It's a good one. (I just want to give credit; I'm going to save it in a doc of my favorite quotations...) Thanks Terri P
  4. TerriP

    Stars and constellations in Bible

    Yes, indeed. I tell you guys what, when He said, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" in 2 Timothy 2:15, one of the "thyselfs" He is talking about has to be WSBones. Thanks again for another in-depth study of...
  5. TerriP

    Personal Bible Journal

    Thank you, Bill :)
  6. TerriP

    AW Tozer Books in SS Modules

    What if I want to give a copy to a friend? I mean, not to publish or anything, but just to bless a friend with it, what do you think? See, what I do is, I format it all nice and neat, you know, justified like a real book, add titles, chapter numbers, footers, etc... to make it kind of like a...
  7. TerriP

    AW Tozer Books in SS Modules

    If I copy and paste AW Tozer's books from the SS Modules into a Word doc, so that I can print it up and bind it into a little book... would it be all right, do you think, if I changed Scripture references from whatever version he used to KJV...? For example, I Call It Heresy, Chapter 1, "I...
  8. TerriP

    Jesus' Words in Red

    Yes! Thank you very much!
  9. TerriP

    Jesus' Words in Red

    I did a search to see if this was discussed before but could not find any posts on it: Is it possible to do a search in "Search Bible F2" or perhaps another utility in SwordSearcher for the Words of Jesus only? If not, would it be hard to program it? Thanks, Brandon. Terri P.
  10. TerriP

    Red Letter Edition

    Dear Marvin: I got my little pocket "Words for Living" at a church bookstore. I looked up the publisher just now online and found it for you. They have bigger Bibles, also, red letter in Old and New Testaments, just like my little one. This one I have is so handy to take anywhere in my purse...
  11. TerriP

    Big Picture Studies - Tabernacle

    I looked in C:\Program Files\SwordSearcher 5\Images but did not see the Big Picture file. I had the Atlas folder and Atlas worked great, far as being able to see all the pictures. So it looks like somehow I lost the BPS images folder. So I went to the SS Modules website and re-downloaded...
  12. TerriP

    Big Picture Studies - Tabernacle

    Bill, thanks for your help on this. I'll have to tackle these instructions from you (bless your heart!!) later today, but meanwhile, let me ask.... Does the same apply for Windows XP because that's the operating system I have. Thanks a heap :) Terri P.
  13. TerriP

    Big Picture Studies - Tabernacle

    In the module BPS, Big Picture Studies, "The Tabernacle Typifies Jesus Christ," I get the text but to the left of the text, instead of what apparently are supposed to be pictures, I have all big black boxes with a little yellow box in each one in the upper left corner, with a black exclamation...
  14. TerriP

    The Jesus Bell

    You know what I just did with this, too, is used what I learned in Brandon's new "The Scan Text for Verse References Tool" video... I copied The Jesus Bell and pasted it into the "Scan Text for Verse References" box in SwordSearcher, and it highlighted immediately in yellow all the Scripture...
  15. TerriP

    The Jesus Bell

    Thank you, Rev. Tim. I like it, too!
  16. TerriP

    Feedback request: SwordSearcher videos

    The best yet, especially for new or prospective users - although, again, I did learn a bunch of new things myself in this video! And thanks for the tip about "use word list." What a great feature that is! Not sure I should say this, because I can see you work hard enough for us as it is...
  17. TerriP

    Feedback request: SwordSearcher videos

    I like the little spreading circles, like rings of water...? for highlighting. Never seen that before. It draws attention to what you are talking about, but it's not way distracting, you know? I like the sound of you clicking the mouse. For some reason that enhances the tutorial. I...
  18. TerriP

    Copy and Paste into Thread

    So here's what I did. I copied and pasted my original text, formatting and all, into here. And because I am using the "Standard Editor" and not that WYSIWYG thingie, it pasted it automatically without all the bolds, italics, underlines, etc., of my original text. So then I selected all of the...
  19. TerriP

    Who wrote this: "...Lord, let me weep for naught but sin..."

    Thank you very much, Michael!
  20. TerriP

    Copy and Paste into Thread

    Marty, thank you to you, too, for the suggestions. Didn't work; still got the same thing in "preview post", e.g.: Exodus 32:33 And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. So what I did do, though, was go into Quick Links/Edit...