Search results

  1. K

    Science, Astronomy and the Bible

    Does anyone know where I can find all the verses in the Bible about Science, Astronomy and the Bible? Thank You, Gary
  2. K

    Wine/ Strong Drink

    Does anyone have a short study in Wine either fermented or not ?
  3. K

    All The Sins In The Bible

    Does anyone have a list of all the sins in the Bible? Thank You, Gary
  4. K


    Can you have multiple Bible versions open at the same time? Thank You, Gary
  5. K

    Words of Christ

    How many words were spoken by Jesus Christ in the New Testament? Thank You, Gary
  6. K

    Deity of Christ

    Is there a list of all the verses on the Deity of Christ? Thank You, Gary
  7. K


    Any Recommendation for a basic Bible program for IPad? Thank You, Gary
  8. K


    Is there a way to get all the numbered chapters such as Exodus which would be the 51st chapter of the Bible etc.? Thank You, Gary
  9. K

    Bible reading plan

    Can anyone help me design a Bible reading plan using Excel or what ever program. This would be for a jail ministry that we have. I would like to be designed as a checklist without any starting dates so that the individual could start at any time. Thank You, Gary
  10. K

    self pronunciation

    Is there a self pronunciation of names in SS? Thank You, Gary
  11. K

    Search Question

    is there a way to do a search on all the 3:16's etc. in the Bible? Thank You, Gary
  12. K

    Old Testament Quotes in the New Testament?

    Does Sword Searcher have Old Testament Quotes in the New Testament? Thank you Gary
  13. K

    Flash Drives

    Can i run Sword Searcher on a flash drive, and if so how do i set it up? Gary