Hello everyone,
I was looking through what audio Bibles are supported for version 8.3, by looking through https://www.swordsearcher.com/helpfiles/current/index.html?bible_audio_support.html and I also searched the forums, but didn’t see an answer to my question.
Pronunciation accuracy is one...
I will just continue to manually change the formatting when doing exports, but at least I have half of the solution.
Thank you for your help Brandon! I appreciate it!
I have two questions.
1) Is there a way to toggle on and off displaying the ‘full book name’ within the search results panel?
2) Is there a way to export (copy) the search results (without the verses) in a condensed format, but have the full book name included? For example: Genesis...
There might be a simple answer to this, but I have not been able to locate a solution in the user guide or in the forums.
Can anyone tell me how to uninstall/remove a book, commentary, and dictionary from SwordSearcher 8.2? I'm assuming the method is the same for each of these, but I...