Any other web sites?


Beta Tester
Here are all the web sites I am aware of which provide user-created materials for downloading. Are there any others I do not know about or have not listed?

[1] Foster Enterprises. Jerry's repository for all sorts of 3rd party modules for SwordSearcher. Too many to list. See also Jerry's personal page at for a quick review of many Bible Software packages.

[2] Michael Jone's Fundamental Baptist home page has a SwordSearcher Module section (currently featuring Carroll's Trail of Blood).

[3] Bible Study Courses & Resources Site; Find SwordSearcher (and e-Sword) modules under Study Offline / Download Section. Includes A Testimony of Jesus Christ; Crosslinks Topical Index; One Year Bible; Christian Internet Website Directory

[4] People's Baptist Church; an Independent Fundamental KJB Only Baptist Website. Features SwordSearcher modules in Downloads section. Includes: The Psalms of David / In Metre; The Holy War; Refuge In the Storms of Life; The Seasons of Your Pigramage; etc.

[5] Bob Krajcik's Bible Study Letters (Sovereign Grace Baptist). Modules include Folger's Baptist Church Service course; Confessions; Cole's Definitions of Doctrine

[6] Bro. Regie's site which features mods created by Elder Leroy Rhodes

Note: the last one listed here is not a "user-created" site but still a place to obtain some very good add-on material:

[7] Way of Life Encyclopedia and Things Hard to be Understood by David Cloud. Commercial modules for SwordSearcher ($30). Also available at:

SO, ARE THERE ANY OTHER SITES I DON'T KNOW ABOUT??? It's really great to be able to expand SS with new mods. You might not fully agree with everything in each mod, but that's what Bible STUDY is all about, eh?

Excellent resource Pastor Tim. Thank you.

God Bles
Bro. Mike
Yes, indeed -- a very nice repository in that post. Thanks Tim!
Awwwwwwwwwww shucks!

Y'all are gonna make me blush!

Hey, I love free stuff which is actually useful, especially computer stuff. These qualify!
Still Pastor Tim, it was kind of you to create the module link post for the rest of us.

Thanks much man.

RevTim, not sure if you are still on these boards. Any chance you have any of those modules that you downloaded from Our website got hacked and I no longer have access to those modules. If they are posted here or if you could email them to me, I could update them as needed, and resubmit them here.
So far, SwordSearcher 9 has; 25 commentaries, (including the "payable one: UTB-Understand The Bible-Sorenson.)
And 390 Books. All included in SS9 and/or
summited by SS members.
(All besides my perso notes/commentaries/books.)
Here is the updated links/modules from

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the modules I have up on the site. They have all been imported and updated (except the Psalms Of David in Metre and Psalms of Isaac Watts - they were already self-contained and needed no updating beyond importing them into SS9). Soon I will have a Bible study module up which contains 61 studies/devotionals, called Numbers In The Bible. It is a series one of my webpartners and I did in 2007. Decided to put it into a module.
Here is the updated links/modules from

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see the modules I have up on the site. They have all been imported and updated (except the Psalms Of David in Metre and Psalms of Isaac Watts - they were already self-contained and needed no updating beyond importing them into SS9). Soon I will have a Bible study module up which contains 61 studies/devotionals, called Numbers In The Bible. It is a series one of my webpartners and I did in 2007. Decided to put it into a module.
Thank you for this. I just tried to download them and all links show "File Not Found" error pages except for: The Seasons Of Your Pilgrimage Poetry Book It works.
Ok. Thanks. I will check the links. I must have done something wrong when I uploaded them last week. Give me five minutes and they should work fine.
Fixed! I knew the file names remained the same - but I didn't realize the url changed based on the date it was uploaded (here the link actually has the month uploaded in it - it's a new server that I am still getting used to).
Fixed! I knew the file names remained the same - but I didn't realize the url changed based on the date it was uploaded (here the link actually has the month uploaded in it - it's a new server that I am still getting used to).
Wonderful! I will get the files tomorrow. Thanks for making them available!
Just to note:
My site,, has been down for quite some time (although working on bringing it back up), and modules I had on there have been lost over the years. As the site comes back up, and possibly putting up some modules, I will post here.
I love how you all work so diligently for the Kingdom, and how you share these studies and such, including Brandon Staggs and all the wonderful SwordSearcher modules (see Johnny NL Oct. 2 post above "So far, SwordSearcher 9 has; 25 commentaries, (including the "payable one: UTB-Understand The Bible-Sorenson.) And 390 Books. All included in SS9 and/or summited by SS members.") Amazing.

If I may make a comment: This is the real church, the way we should be. Thank you and Praise God for you!
I love how you all work so diligently for the Kingdom, and how you share these studies and such, including Brandon Staggs and all the wonderful SwordSearcher modules (see Johnny NL Oct. 2 post above "So far, SwordSearcher 9 has; 25 commentaries, (including the "payable one: UTB-Understand The Bible-Sorenson.) And 390 Books. All included in SS9 and/or summited by SS members.") Amazing.

If I may make a comment: This is the real church, the way we should be. Thank you and Praise God for you!
Amen . . .
If I may make a comment: This is the real church, the way we should be. Thank you and Praise God for you!
Really? Where's the pot lucks? The coffee fellowships? The other food related activities? I'm missing out, I'm sure of it!! 😉
Really? Where's the pot lucks? The coffee fellowships? The other food related activities? I'm missing out, I'm sure of it!! 😉
There is a PayDay candy bar and a diet Coke on my desk. Does that count? :p
My websites were hacked a couple of years ago. This is my Table of Contents page. At the bottom of it you will find links for the Swordsearcher modules I put together.
