Audio Bible Files Location

Pastor Langley

Active Member
Scourby Audio File Location:
C:\Users\owass\OneDrive\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules\Scourby Audio
Scourby Audio size = 3.52 GB - File Count = 1,189 - Folders= 69
I usually see things like D: or C:\Scourby, etc. for locations of these files.
Am I making a bad practice or missing a better way?
My thought was that with Windows OS Software, the closer things are to the C:\ drive the faster and less searching the index does?
Reasoning for this choice is, if and when I move to another system, I make one copy of one folder, all is done.
Any thoughts?
If you don't mind OneDrive backing up those audio files for you, it's fine.

My thought was that with Windows OS Software, the closer things are to the C:\ drive the faster and less searching the index does?

No, it doesn't work that way. When SwordSearcher access the individual files, it uses a fully qualified path to get them in the OS, and it doesn't matter how deep into a folder structure it is. Makes no difference in how long it takes the file to be opened.
That explains it. Thanks!