Audio Bible


Maybe everyone knows this.
I set up a layout
Bible and Books - Verse guide and Search - Commentary
My user modules are all topical
Some 100s of verses
I right clic on say one called :in Christ: scriptures and
clic load all references
Verse guide window shows me these
I start audio and it reads me all and follows thsi
So I do the same in Commentaries
It reads all all of these
Just a great feature
Maybe someone will be blessed knowing this?

Just another great Sworsearcher feature
I've done a similar thing just with search results, for instance, "but God." There is something special about hearing verse after verse on the same phrase, it's like watching a bud bloom. The marvelous features in SwordSearcher bring so many blessings. Thanks, Brandon!
I never thought about using it this way. Thank you for the tip! I am going to try it out.