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User-submitted Bible Broadcasting Network Courses [BBNI] 1.11
Links to audio courses available in Swordsearcher. Take your own notes in module while listening.

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wsbones submitted a new module:

Bible Broadcasting Network Courses [BBNI] - Links to audio courses available in Swordsearcher. Take your own notes in module while listening.

Set up a free account with BBNI and listen to any of the courses. Some pretty good material from well-known people.
00000 Introductory Studies
  • 00100 Foundational Beliefs of the Christian Faith -- BBN Staff
  • 00400 Understanding The Gospel -- BBN Staff
  • 00500 Survey Of The Bible -- Dr. Herb Pugmire
  • 00600 Study Of The Church -- Dr. Manford G. Gutzke
  • 00900 Doctrine Of Salvation -- Dr. Lehman Strauss

Read more about this module...
My goodness, an extensive library. I need more way hours in my day, because with all
I have on my plate now, in this there are more than a few there I would like to take a look at...

Thanks, Bill :)
Interesting stuff... thanks Bill ;)
Thank you Bill it is great have BBNI on S/S.
Got it - Thank you, Bill!
Brandon, this is the old module when I click on download. Did the new one disappear. I uploaded it and then my browser crashed. I will upload it again.
Brandon, the main download button at the top of this page still downloads the old version. You have to go to the updates tab to get the latest version. I think you fixed this once before so the user gets the latest version.
This all looks wonderful, but I need to be taken by the hand like a parent taking their kindergarten child by the hand on its first day of school. I don't know where to start.
I am a retired pastor of 50 years Attended Tennessee Temple, graduated from Covington Seminary.
This all looks wonderful, but I need to be taken by the hand like a parent taking their kindergarten child by the hand on its first day of school. I don't know where to start.
I am a retired pastor of 50 years Attended Tennessee Temple, graduated from Covington Seminary.
What part are you trying to start? Is it basic SwordSearcher usage, or downloading this module, or using this module? If you want to add this module to your SwordSearcher library, just click on the link in the upper right corner of this page and save it to your c:/Users/Documents/[YourName]/SwordSearcher User Modules folder. I hope this helps. :)

If you want help using SwordSearcher, may I recommend the videos Brandon has made of its many features? They can be found at
Hello all; and thanks Bill for this awesome resource.

Question: I enrolled on BBNBI, then started Course 00100 - Foundational Beliefs.... I saw your notes on the first lesson, and have been writing my own for subsequent lessons. I would like to enter the notes per lesson, instead of per course, because there's so much info in each lesson!

How can I do this?

Thanks again...
I think the easiest way would be to create new topic in the book, BBNI. For example in the set of audio you have these:

You could add a topic 00101 to the BBNI module and enter your notes while listening to Lesson 1.

You could do that like this:

1. Click on the red circled button shown below to create a new topic.

2. Enter the title for the topic: You could do multiple entries if you want (i.e. 00101, 00102 ...)

3. Type your notes into the editor. Periodically save your typing using ctrl-s. When you are done use alt-s to save and exit. You can always come back and add more by locating the topic in the dropdown box shown in point 1 above. Just type 00101 where it now says _Table of Contents.