Books/Commentary question

Pastor Langley

Active Member
Screenshot (3).png What are these little blue exclamation { only next to user-editable books/commentaries} marks mean? Searched but nothing yet?
If you look at the word in my screenshot with the red box around it (Love), the blue dots in the module selection mark other modules with an entry that matches that word - it could be a variation, like 'loved' or 'loves'. If you click on the module marked with the blue dot, it will open with the matching entry. The blue dots are actually next to non-editable books/commentaries as well - look at WTypes, the first entry is "00 Introduction" and the blue dot shows up in other books with an entry of 00 Introduction.


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Thought something I was doing wrong.
Ok you got it, this is appreciated.
I know you said it wasn't needed but remember the verse - ☕🥩🪺
1 Tim 5:18 tried to get Sword Searcher (SS Hyperlink to 1 Tim 5:18) did not work...😢
1 Timothy 5:18 now I know how to copy and paste Funny one day I hope to do this for myself instead of cheating... Forgive.
It's an i for information. It just means there is content there on the same entry name in that module. It makes it easy to see what else you might have on a word/etc.
If you look at the word in my screenshot with the red box around it (Love), the blue dots in the module selection mark other modules with an entry that matches that word - it could be a variation, like 'loved' or 'loves'. If you click on the module marked with the blue dot, it will open with the matching entry. The blue dots are actually next to non-editable books/commentaries as well - look at WTypes, the first entry is "00 Introduction" and the blue dot shows up in other books with an entry of 00 Introduction.
Thanks I responded by post maybe I need to learn where and how to use the Forum as well.
It's an i for information. It just means there is content there on the same entry name in that module. It makes it easy to see what else you might have on a word/etc.
Thank you sir.