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User-submitted Bookshelf with links to books of the Bible 1.01
For notes and outlines by book

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wsbones updated Bookshelf with links to books of the Bible with a new update entry:

Added 2 topics that were missing

I noticed that that there was no topic for 2Ch and Neh. Their links were in the bookshelf but the topics were missing. FIXED.

IDEA: If you want to take notes and outlines concerning a whole book, it is convenient in your regular verse commentary to put a link to this module on chapter 1, verse 1 of each of the 66 books.

You can link either to the bookshelf topic or to the individual entry for the particular book.

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wsbones submitted a new module:

Bookshelf with links to books of the Bible - For notes and outlines by book

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Brandon, Wsbones,
I built a module using your bookshelf with edits, thanks for this.
[MyShelf] Notes and Outlines
Hoping to change the title and name but before I do wanted to ask.

"Rename a User Module" will this change any links inside [module] we worked so hard to create?
(searched help nothing yet)
New Title: Langley Study Library
New Abbreviations: BibleSG

Not final name yet.
Brandon, Wsbones,
I built a module using your bookshelf with edits, thanks for this.
[MyShelf] Notes and Outlines
Hoping to change the title and name but before I do wanted to ask.

"Rename a User Module" will this change any links inside [module] we worked so hard to create?
(searched help nothing yet)
New Title: Langley Study Library
New Abbreviations: BibleSG

Not final name yet.
It depends on how you create the links. Your modules can have internal links that do not specify a specific module as the target, so they will be treated as "internal" links and will continue to work even after renaming the module.

If the links are tied to a hardcoded module name, they will not work if that module name doesn't exist.

You can try renaming the module and see if your links still work. Rename it back to what it was before if they don't.
Thanks. So to test I can do a export Forge text file and search and look inside.
This will be a Global search and, oh just tried, SwordSearcher can do same too.
Final here no more edits. Ha Ha...
Used WikipediA
<A href="">
Hopefully these will stay, are these what you call, HARDCODED?
Or "hardcoded" means those links that take you outside SwordSearcher's Deluxe Library and or the actual Book Module?
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Hopefully these will stay, are these what you call, HARDCODED?
Or "hardcoded" means those links that take you outside SwordSearcher's Deluxe Library and or the actual Book Module?
They are hard coded, but since it's outside of SS it still will work. The problem happens when you rename a module, and something is linked to that module by it's SS name. Here's an example:

<A href="swordsearcher://book+Dict/Similitude">Similitude </A>
and then you change the name of the dictionary to DictNew, that link will not work
If you use this tool to create your entry links:


The link will be "soft coded" target so that it doesn't matter what name the module is. If you use the second item, which is for linking to another book or commentary module, that is a "hard coded" target and will not be function of that target module doesn't exist or has its abbreviation changed.

You can make both link styles and then see what they look like in the code editor, but this is also part of the link specification:

Here's a screen shot showing both kinds of links in the code editor:

Basically you should only be specifying the target module in the link if it is a different module than the one you are editing. If there is no target module specified, SwordSearcher will just assume the active module when resolving the link.
Making cents💰 now 😎 headed to the test module to play.
Yep,made one of those guys to test and play with code.
Funny, I JUST DISCOVERED WHAT YOU ARE SHOWING by way of Right-Click "send book entry link to editor" FEW DAYS AGO!
Most of all the links were done this way. Thanks to both of you!
I'm slooow.🐢
If you use the "Export Module for Forge" can you edit that text file and safely rename entries safely? Meaning keep things as they were? Links, pages, etc.

Hope to learn a better way to avoid this. I have even built an entry that has a menu with "jump to list" for use on future builds. It works!

The default for SwordSearcher is alphbetically when you add entry's.
So this may not be the solution for fixing my problem but wanted to ask.
I now know why wsbones names the first file with _ it stays at the top!!! Smart.
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If you use the "Export Module for Forge" can you edit that text file and safely rename entries safely? Meaning keep things as they were? Links, pages, etc.
Renaming an entry in a Forge source file will do the same thing that renaming an entry in SwordSearcher does. There's no checking of backlinks either way. The worst that would happen is you accidentally create duplicate entry names, but Forge will error out and tell you if you do that.
The default for SwordSearcher is alphbetically when you add entry's.

There is no way to defeat alphabetical ordering of entries in SwordSearcher books. It is baked in at the deepest level in indexing, and Forge will also build your module with alphabetical entries. If you want to force a particular order, do it the same way that it is done in SwordSearcher official books, with heading numbers in the entry title, or with characters that are sorted before letters, etc.
Renaming an entry in a Forge source file will do the same thing that renaming an entry in SwordSearcher does. There's no checking of backlinks either way. The worst that would happen is you accidentally create duplicate entry names, but Forge will error out and tell you if you do that.

There is no way to defeat alphabetical ordering of entries in SwordSearcher books. It is baked in at the deepest level in indexing, and Forge will also build your module with alphabetical entries. If you want to force a particular order, do it the same way that it is done in SwordSearcher official books, with heading numbers in the entry title, or with characters that are sorted before letters, etc.
Thank you. Now without sounding silly, or argumentative, the issue is not wanting to "DEFEAT" it I want to "FIX" it If the text file has all that data, then can one manipulate that data to FIX the problem that was created in the entry in the first place?
Thank you. Now without sounding silly, or argumentative, the issue is not wanting to "DEFEAT" it I want to "FIX" it If the text file has all that data, then can one manipulate that data to FIX the problem that was created in the entry in the first place?
Fix what problem? I re-read your posts and it is not clear to me what you are trying to fix.
Screenshot 2025-01-17 140915.jpg The top entry is named 1_2_chronicles.Screenshot 2025-01-17 140725.jpg 16th down is my actual Menu (BookShelf) Hope thiis clear.🙏
Sample Book Module - JVM can the BookShelf be renamed so that it goes to top of the entry list, and links continue to work, if possible. Ha!
I'm still not understanding what you are trying to change or fix. If you want to rename the entry, you just rename it, and then update any links you have that point to it. If you want to put the entries in a different order, you will need to rename them so that they will be in the sequence you want when an alphabetical sort is applied to them. (Well, not just letters, but still.) If you rename them, you need to update any links you have that point to them.
Ok thank you.