Create module from epub book


Beta Tester
Here's an explanation of the steps to create a SS module from an unprotected epub file. Download and unzip the file. The word document explains and gives an example.


  • mod from
    142.3 KB · Views: 504
I appreciate that document but fear that I'll have to be the problem child with a couple of questions. Item 10 says to "Edit the file called index.html with a text editor" but it provides no details as to the required edits. Can you point me to where I can learn more about that?
Thank you
There are no required edits there. It's just to be able to copy the html in text format rather than open it in a browser. Paste the html lines into the code editor of SS. You could probably open it in a browser and view the HTML lines using Ctrl-m. Then copy from there and paste to SS code editor.

Good question. It wasn't quite clear.