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User-submitted Dr. Thomas Constable Audio Lessons on Books of the Bible 1.0
Links to all the lessons from within SwordSearcher

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wsbones submitted a new module:

Dr. Thomas Constable Audio Lessons on Books of the Bible - Links to all the lessons from within SwordSearcher

Several Lessons for each book shown below. The bookshelf links to each book. Each book has multiple lessons that link to the web audio. Each lesson is 30-40 minutes long.
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For example Genesis has the following lessons.
An Overview of the Book of Genesis
Genesis 1, The Story of Creation
Genesis 2, The Beginning of Man and Woman
Genesis 3, The Fall of Man
Genesis 4 and 5, The Family of Adam and Eve
Genesis 6, The History of Man
Genesis 7 and 8, The Flood...

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It's a great deal easier to listen to things while I do my housework than to sit down and read (the housework seems to go faster too 😁)
Thanks for both of the modules you've provided to Constable's teaching. I've taken the time to download all of the mp3's. Would it be possible to get a copy of the source for TCENa so I could modify the links to point to my local files? Also, if you're interested and have a place I can push them to, I'd be happy to upload the mp3's to a location where you can pull them all to your local machine; they total 5.93 GB so it would take a while but it's a simple drag & drop of a single directory.
Unzip this to your SS user directory. This one should be editable. It will replace what is there.

If you use FORGE you could export this version in Forge format and edit the whole thing at once. Then you could import it using FORGE. Otherwise you will have to edit each topic to change the links.

I think I'll pass on downloading the mp3's in order to save storage space on my SSD. I'll stream them as needed. Thanks for the offer though.


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