Edward Hills King James Version Defended module

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
The King James Version Defended
by Dr. Edward F. Hills

Download: SwordSearcher-HillsKJV.exe (752 KB)

This is Dr. Hills' scholarly defense of the KJV and the Textus Receptus Greek text. This is a conversion of a freely available electronic edition of the book. The download file is an installer that will automatically install the module in the SS5 modules folder on your computer.

Due to the licensing terms of the copyrighted text, it can be made freely available for download but can not be added to the "official" library.

I hope this module is useful to others.

(Moderator's note: any discussion about the doctrinal content of this module should be done in the Bible, Doctrines, and Other Topics forum. Thanks!)

Bro. Mike: Please feel free to mirror this module on your module site.
The chapter THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS AND THE KING JAMES VERSION doesn't seem to wrap in the book window. It has to be maximized to read each line to the end.
Just a note to help troubleshoot (hopefully).

I saw Bill's post, and looked at my SS. I did not have the same issue come up. I will try on my home laptop tonight and see if this will replicate.
The chapter THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS AND THE KING JAMES VERSION doesn't seem to wrap in the book window. It has to be maximized to read each line to the end.

Thanks -- I figured it out -- there is a list of words in that chapter and one of the lines had some kind of non-wrapping tab in it.

Also, I fixed several verse links that were improperly tagged. I've re-built the installer and it's now 752 KB.

All: Please re-download the file if you got it before this post.
Just a note to help troubleshoot (hopefully).

I saw Bill's post, and looked at my SS. I did not have the same issue come up. I will try on my home laptop tonight and see if this will replicate.

No need -- I figured out what was causing it. You'd only notice if your book panel wasn't wide enough to accommodate the errant non-wrapping line.
Nope. Didn't think of that one :)
The King James Version Defended
by Dr. Edward F. Hills

Download: SwordSearcher-HillsKJV.exe (752 KB)

This is Dr. Hills' scholarly defense of the KJV and the Textus Receptus Greek text. This is a conversion of a freely available electronic edition of the book. The download file is an installer that will automatically install the module in the SS5 modules folder on your computer.

Due to the licensing terms of the copyrighted text, it can be made freely available for download but can not be added to the "official" library.

I hope this module is useful to others.

(Moderator's note: any discussion about the doctrinal content of this module should be done in the Bible, Doctrines, and Other Topics forum. Thanks!)

Bro. Mike: Please feel free to mirror this module on your module site.

Brandon! Awesome! Thanks!
Formatting in "Notes" & page numbers from printed ed.

I appreciate having this in electronic format! Thanks!

(1) In the SwordSearcher HillsKJV module, when I click on the Notes chapter, it seems there are formatting problems ? indentation issues and text continued on the next line when it doesn't need to be, etc. Seems some problems show up when the window is maximized and others are more obvious when it's not maximized.

(2) Both for this book and in general for creating user or third-party resources, page numbers from the printed edition would be helpful (and then also more precise Module information regarding which printed edition the electronic one is based on). Maybe some "hyperlink" with the page numbers would be nice. For example, in the HillsKJV preface there is this text: "(The King James Version Defended p. 209)." It'd be nice to be able to find that "page" in the electronic edition.
Re: Formatting in "Notes" & page numbers from printed ed.

(1) In the SwordSearcher HillsKJV module, when I click on the Notes chapter, it seems there are formatting problems –

I agree, the formatting isn't consistent in that section. That is how it appears in my source files. :???:

It'd be nice to be able to find that "page" in the electronic edition

That would be interesting, but would require quite a bit of manual work to insert that data.