Forge & footnotes for commentaries & books?


Active Member
I can get SS to recognize a footnote when I bring the comment from MS Word into it. However, with Forge, even the new Forge version I cannot get it to accept them even when I put HAS FOOTNOTES at the top of the text file.

HAS ITALICS at the top does not work either. However when I use the <I> </I> formatting they work as well as <B> and </B> for bold text. I'll send a separate message on what I think is an excellent tool for marking the tags for bold and italics for use in Forge.

Is there a way to fix Forge so it can recognize footnotes in commentaries and books?

HAS FOOTNOTES and HAS ITALICS are for Bible modules only -- these are special switches for Bible text. (See the Forge documentation for details.)

Implementing italics in a commentary module for Forge is just a matter of using HTML.

Footnotes are also done with HTML. Usually with anchor links.

<p>This is some text<a href="#fn1" name="afn1">1</a> with a footnote link</p>

<p><a href="#afn1" name="fn1">1.</a> This is the footnote text, and the link goes back up to the position in the text above...</p>