Forge Issue


Beta Tester
I have a module called JOUR, a daily journal. It has a calendar as the first topic and 366 topics that are linked with the calendar.

I want to use that format to link to a daily audio file of Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Readings. BTW they are available free here:

Anyway, I exported the JOUR module in Forge format. I made all the changes to create a different module. I replaced the word JOUR with SMEA globally and gave the module a new name - Spurgeon Morning and Evening Audio with the abbreviation SMEA.

; User module export from SwordSearcher
; Compile with Forge 3.1 or later.
; TITLE: Spurgeon Morning and Evening Audio

Forge looked like it worked, but no SMEA module was created. The JOUR module was created again instead. I checked over and over and there were no references to JOUR anywhere in the exported and renamed txt file.

I finally tried a different name - replacing Spurgeon Morning and Evening Audio with Morning and Evening Audio - Spurgeon. I kept the name SMEA.
That worked.

I think the name conflicted maybe because the length of the string Forge uses for TITLE is short and therefore appeared the same.
Sounds great. I got a daily Bible reading set from the same place and would love to link it the same way... Or maybe link it like a reading plan. Sounds like it might be a little bit of work and i couldn't find any how to info on Forge. I was having the same issues in naming, but figured it was just me.

I was wishing for some way to get Forge to create new entry's for H4 html tags, but... Don't know if or how to.