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User-submitted Gleanings in Exodus 1.0
A. W. Pink

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wsbones submitted a new module:

Gleanings in Exodus - A. W. Pink

Unzip to the SwordSearcher User Modules folder. There will be a module called Exo-Pink.SS5book and a directory called Exo-Pink-Assets.

Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Israel In Bondage
3. The Early Days Of Moses
4. Moses At The Burning Bush
5. Moses Called And His Response
6. The Significance of the Signs
7. Lessons In Service
8. Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
9. Jehovah’s Covenant
10. A Hardened Heart
11. The Plagues Upon Egypt
12. The Plagues Upon Egypt (Continued)
13. Pharaoh’s...

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Thanks Bill. :)
Wow this will be great, can't wait to read it......thanks