Hebrew and TR Greek Editions Question


Active Member
On the Hebrew OT underlying the KJV and the edition of the TR Greek in SwordSearcher, how close are they to the editions produced by Trinitarian Bible Society?

I own those in print, and I was wondering how SwordSearcher’s editions compare.

It should be very close. You can right-click the TR module tab for details.

From https://www.swordsearcher.com/bible-study-library/textus-receptus-greek-hebrew.html

The Hebrew Old Testament (Tanakh) is the Masoretic Text from Ben Chayyim (Jacob ben Hayyim ibn Adonijah) and Christian David Ginsburg, with text selections made as necessary to represent the Received Text underlying the King James Bible. The SwordSearcher edition of the Hebrew Old Testament in this module uses standard KJV versification to more readily allow for comparative study.

The Hebrew OT is based on the 1894 Trinitarian Bible Society edition and should be considered a work in progress. Corrections and feedback earnestly solicited.

For the record, I have not really received much feedback on the OT of this module.
Old Testament: I don't know.

New Testament:

The TR in SwordSearcher often includes the "movable nu" where Scrivener's TR / Trinitarian Bible Society's TR omits it. Although it refers to Attic and Ionic Greek rather than Biblical koine Greek, here is an article about the movable nu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movable_nu.

Example: Revelation 1:2's ἐμαρτύρησε in Scrivener's TR / Trinitarian Bible Society's TR vs. εμαρτυρησεν in the TR module in SwordSearcher.

I have noticed other differences between the TR in SwordSearcher and the Scrivener's TR / Trinitarian Bible Society's TR, but I do not have the time to document them now. Sorry.
Thanks for the details! Sounds good. On the OT, TBS is going to re-typset their edition. That might make it easier to send feedback in the future.
That would be great! Hopefully, a larger font too. Their original language Greek and Hebrew Bible is quite small. The Hebrew font is hard to read at times. I would like to get a 10-12 font Hebrew O.T from TBS.