Understandable. The number of authorized & user made modules have allowed us to have a wonderfully resource rich Bible study program. I literally have a good sized personal library at my fingertips, one which I can search all at once, or explore through the links in each verse.No, as far as I know, there is no "clean" source for those in the public domain. The ones I have seen are heavily edited from their original print counterparts and it is unclear where the changes originate. If someone knows of or has a digital copy that doesn't contain modern emendations or changes, please reach out to me at support@swordsearcher.com. (The TWOT is not in the public domain regardless.)
There's nothing wrong with requesting additional material, I take no offense.So I don't mean to seem ungrateful or just crying for more. There are just a few language helps it would be nice to add. I really do appreciate the program for all the value it provides.
Any chance of getting the following modules added?
* TWOT (probably not, but since I'm asking - same I'm sure for the TWNT)
* BDB (unabridged)
* Gesenius's Lexicon
Yeah, it's a big & hopeful list, but it can't hurt to ask. Thanks!
Thank you. I'm aware of where helps are available, and various language tools. Been using them for years.Gesenius's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon - Study Resources
Gesenius's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon written by Heinrich Gesenius. This includes the about section, title page, preface, to the students & table of alphabets.www.blueletterbible.org