

Active Member
Some time back I downloaded "The Trail of Blood" and I remember reading what to do to get image files to show in SwordSearcher. However, now I look and those images are not there.

Would someone please give me a review of how to use image files - where to save them, etc. and whether or not they can be used without using the HTML editing option?

I discovered how to do this.

Does anyone have the image files for use with "The Trail of Blood?" I cannot find them on my computer.

Some time back I downloaded "The Trail of Blood" and I remember reading what to do to get image files to show in SwordSearcher. However, now I look and those images are not there.

Would someone please give me a review of how to use image files - where to save them, etc. and whether or not they can be used without using the HTML editing option?


Images go in your Program Files\SwordSearcher 5\Images folder. Note that third-party image sets are possible but not officially supported. You can create a new set by creating a new folder in the Images folder (using Windows Explorer) and putting PNG or JPG files in that new folder.

You can add a link to an image in your user text automatically. While editing your user entry, navigate to the image you want, then right-click it and select the item for sending a link to the editor.
The image files for "Trail of Blood" should be in the zip file that you downloaded. There are 2 *.jpg files. If you cannot find them, you can re-download the module from my web site, I just looked and those image file are in there.

There is a readme file in there as well describing where to put the files.

If you need me to send you the pics via e-mail I will be more than happy to do so.

God bless
Bro. Mike
Thanks much for the replies on this. I've got it all going again.

Many thanks & MGB,