Italic words

Johnny NL

Well-Known Member
Does any one knows "HOW" to search for ITALIC words in KJV SS9 ? ? ?
In the Search Bible window, the Character String search and the RegEx Search pages both have an option to place italics into [brackets] so that you can make whether or not a word is italicized part of the search, but it is not quite so simple as switching on a checkbox.

You didn't say what you want to search for. Pretty much what you will need to do is learn how to use the RegEx search feature if you want to get detailed with italics searching.

This will just do a search for all italics in the KJV:



If you can tell me how you want to use italics in your search I might be able to help more.
Ok... I wanna search for the word "disciple" in Italic.
I am not quite understanding..... I am in F1 now...... 2Tim2:15 myself !
disciple doesn't appear in italics. Try the character string search for [disciple].
View attachment 2343
Amen to The Lord, for this community, specially for these "quick draw" helpers !!!!!!
SIR ! thank you SO SO SO much.....
Talking about the amazing "every day learning".... see ? ? ?
I am flabbergasted , again and again, and again.
Thank you Mr. Staggs for this tool..... AGAIN....!
I am SO blessed right now . . . . .😇
disciple doesn't appear in italics. Try the character string search for [disciple].
View attachment 2343
The downside to using the character string search this way is that it will exclude words that appear in italics along with other words.

Since there are only 27 verses with that word it's easy to check and there are none in italics.

I could possibly add a function for doing this search more easily but I don't understand how it is meant to be used and why one would do it.
Well, I began to use it as I am studying "words added by translator".... so I am trying to read (KJV or KJV1611) without these added words.
They were added for "easier understanding" of the Scripture.

--- Sir if you could bring a button that would bring us "IN" the Translators room at that time, that would be awesome Sir.... ;) loll.
Seriously; how should I search ReGex with [brackets] with the word "disciple + other word" ?
Thanks again for the after market "customer service".
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This will just do a search for all italics in the KJV
As a curiosity this produces an interesting partial table below. Some of the unusual italic words might be a subject for study. A way to produce the entire string match count table for export might be a useful addition.

I wonder which italic words never appear as non-italic words in the KJV?
Using the words of Christ option produces a manageable table of results for study.

Search Details​

Regular Expression search:\[[^\]]*\]
Search parameters:Italics in Brackets; Keep Brackets, Remove Pre- and Post-Scripts
Search scope:Genesis - Revelation
Total matching verses:14234
Total Match Count:21489
Matching Strings:

StringMatch Count
[shall be]328
[there is]252
[it is]226
[there was]105
[to be]95
[the son]83
[that is]68
[is it]58
[it was]57
[that which was]52
[he is]51
[that are]51
[as for]48
[there were]45
[it be]40
[which is]36
[is there]35
[that were]34
[there be]30
[of it]28
[that was]28
[that which is]26
[unto him]26
[which were]25
[there shall be]24
[he that is]21
[it shall be]21
[they are]21
[were of]20
[they were]18
[will be]18
[is as]17
[them that are]17
[of them]15
[to wit]15
[is that]14
[there are]14
[they be]14
[which are]14
[are they]13
[him that is]13
[which was]13
[i say]12
[is like]12
[shall be of]12
[so is]12
[this is]12
[thou art]12
[he was]11
[to him]11
[who is]11
[and that]10
[a man]9
[according to]9
[he be]9
[is he]9
[is there any]9
[with him]9
[every one]8
[have been]8
[he that]8
[may be]8
[the lord]8
[the punishment]8
[the same]8
[the things]8
It would be interesting to know which italic words in the OT never appear in the NT and vice versa.
Well, I began to use it as I am studying "words added by translator".... so I am trying to read (KJV or KJV1611) without these added words.
They were added for "easier understanding" of the Scripture.

They were not added for easier understanding. They were supplied to complete the translation. Removing those words will change the meaning of the text in a lot of places, in horrible ways. It may prove interesting from an academic point of view to learn the necessities of supplying words in translation, but one of the reasons I am reluctant to add features around this is because to some, it may imply that the italic words somehow don't belong. A great example of the folly of removing these words is what happens if you do it in 2Sa 21:19.

Another example is that if you take out the italics in Deut 25:4 you have to explain why Paul included those words in 1Co 9:9. (I tend to think Paul knew how the Hebrew should be translated into Greek.)

Anyway this really isn't the purpose of the forum so I will move on to answer your next question:

Seriously; how should I search ReGex with [brackets] with the word "disciple + other word" ?

The word disciple is never italicized so there is no search that can do that.

A general pattern for finding a particular word italicized with a RegEx search follows; replace the word "and" with whatever you want to search for:


That will include verses like Le 25:53 that has "and the other" etc.

Here's an explanation of this RegEx which I created with a tool called Regex Buddy.

  • Match the character “[” literally
  • Match any character that is NOT a “]”
    • Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
  • Assert position at a word boundary (position preceded or followed—but not both—by a letter, digit, or underscore in the active code page)
  • Match the character string “and” literally (case insensitive)
  • Assert position at a word boundary (position preceded or followed—but not both—by a letter, digit, or underscore in the active code page)
  • Match any character that is NOT a “]”
    • Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)
  • Match the character “]” literally

If you want to learn how to use RegEx, is a great place to start.
Thank you so much ....BOTH of you guys.
yes.... wanna learn, and will look at it....
They were not added for easier understanding. They were supplied to complete the translation. Removing those words will change the meaning of the text in a lot of places, in horrible ways. It may prove interesting from an academic point of view to learn the necessities of supplying words in translation, but one of the reasons I am reluctant to add features around this is because to some, it may imply that the italic words somehow don't belong. A great example of the folly of removing these words is what happens if you do it in 2Sa 21:19.
Now I get it Sir..... thanks.
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As a curiosity this produces an interesting partial table below. Some of the unusual italic words might be a subject for study. A way to produce the entire string match count table for export might be a useful addition.

I wonder which italic words never appear as non-italic words in the KJV?
Using the words of Christ option produces a manageable table of results for study.

Search Details​

Regular Expression search:\[[^\]]*\]
Search parameters:Italics in Brackets; Keep Brackets, Remove Pre- and Post-Scripts
Search scope:Genesis - Revelation
Total matching verses:14234
Total Match Count:21489
Matching Strings:

StringMatch Count
[shall be]328
[there is]252
[it is]226
[there was]105
[to be]95
[the son]83
[that is]68
[is it]58
[it was]57
[that which was]52
[he is]51
[that are]51
[as for]48
[there were]45
[it be]40
[which is]36
[is there]35
[that were]34
[there be]30
[of it]28
[that was]28
[that which is]26
[unto him]26
[which were]25
[there shall be]24
[he that is]21
[it shall be]21
[they are]21
[were of]20
[they were]18
[will be]18
[is as]17
[them that are]17
[of them]15
[to wit]15
[is that]14
[there are]14
[they be]14
[which are]14
[are they]13
[him that is]13
[which was]13
[i say]12
[is like]12
[shall be of]12
[so is]12
[this is]12
[thou art]12
[he was]11
[to him]11
[who is]11
[and that]10
[a man]9
[according to]9
[he be]9
[is he]9
[is there any]9
[with him]9
[every one]8
[have been]8
[he that]8
[may be]8
[the lord]8
[the punishment]8
[the same]8
[the things]8
So is this the complete list?
I am physically on a Coffee overdose, diggin' and diggin' my SS9. ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕
I am going through all this, and I say to myself; "What a wonderful SwordSearcher"