Line Height of 1.0 Shows as Normal

Ken Sturgeon

Active Member
In the new 9.1 version I modified the line height to 1.0 and applied but, when I come back to preferences, the drop down for the line height says Normal again rather than 1.0. The setting of 1.0 remains in effect in all the windows, it's just the drop down in the preferences window seems to go back to "Normal". Oddly enough this only happens if I select a line height of 1.0. If I set it to any other value, when I revisit the preference it shows the height I'd previously sent. Certainly this isn't a critical issue but assumed you'd want it reported.

As always, thank you for a wonderful product.
I did test mine...... all is good in every selection .
mine is set @ 1.3, it is the best "slight" division space.
Specially when I use Highlight...VERY useful!
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In the new 9.1 version I modified the line height to 1.0 and applied but, when I come back to preferences, the drop down for the line height says Normal again rather than 1.0. The setting of 1.0 remains in effect in all the windows, it's just the drop down in the preferences window seems to go back to "Normal". Oddly enough this only happens if I select a line height of 1.0. If I set it to any other value, when I revisit the preference it shows the height I'd previously sent. Certainly this isn't a critical issue but assumed you'd want it reported.

As always, thank you for a wonderful product.
Wouldn't 1.0 be the "normal" setting? So this is why it states it as normal?