link in user module to file on harddrive


Beta Tester
There must be a way to do this, but I don't see how. If I have a file on my harddrive that I want to be linked to a user module, how do I make the link in the user module?

Here's an example of linking to an audio file. You do it in the code editor.

<a href="file:///C:/Users/William/SkyDrive/KJV-mm/Leviticus03.mp3">KJV-McLean</a>
As Bill said. You will need to switch to code mode to insert the file link manually, then you can switch back to design mode.

I will put this on the feature request list -- an "add link" dialog for file links so one can skip the manual steps.
Thank you both very much. I think I can do this. Having it more automatic in a future release would be a nice little addition.
Well, when I put in that kind of link, I finally got the syntax right so it showed up as a link. When I hover over the "description tag" in the link, it shows the correct file name. But when I try to open it, SwordSearcher opens the Topic & Verse Guide, not the related file. Any idea what I did wrong?

EDIT: Sorry, you can disregard this. I found the problem: I had a part of Bill's link still in mine, since I had copied his in and changed it. So … just operator error! Now the link does work properly. I now think it would be very helpful to have this such that one could click and find the file and have the link added automatically. :)