Lots of User Content available in Yahoo Groups!


Beta Tester
I have accumulated some great user-created content for SwordSearcher. It is available at the following Yahoo group:


You have to register, but it's easy. Go to the files section to download various extra resources.

Note: Let's not start any related discussions on the Yahoo group itself, but bring them back here so we have a central place to talk about it.

In the future I will be moving these files from the limited-space Yahoo group to a centralized web server.

God bless.

-- Jerry
Swordseacher Resources


Thanks for providing these resources. I was unaware that anyone was making any of these available for SwordSearcher, and I appreciate the effort.

Do you mind if a make a link to your Yahoo group and/or FostersTribe site on my web page? (http://magicref.tripod.com)


Doug A.
e-mail: magicref _at_ lycos.com (replace the _at_ with @)
Thanks Jerry.

Now, what do you do once you've downloaded it - how do you get it into the Sword Searcher program?? Forgive the ignorance. :D

Ray 8)
Just joined the Y-group and looks like you have a few interesting modules available there, so thanks.

I'll be interested in your response the above post, too! :shock:
Re: Swordseacher Resources

magicref said:
Do you mind if a make a link to your Yahoo group and/or FostersTribe site on my web page? (http://magicref.tripod.com)

Doug -

Not at all - link away to either one! Thanks for asking.

-- Jerry
athanasian_creed said:
Now, what do you do once you've downloaded it - how do you get it into the Sword Searcher program?? Forgive the ignorance. :D

Forgiven. :)

To be honest, I probably should be more clear in the files section on how to incorporate these into SwordSearcher. I will change that as soon as I get a chance.

Anyway, for all files except the images, after you download the program you will have to place the file into the "User" subdirectory that exists wherever you installed SwordSearcher. All user-created content goes into this subdirectory. Next time you start SwordSearcher it will appear in the correct place (Book, Commentary, etc.).

For images, you will want to create a folder under the "Images" subdirectory wherever you installed SwordSearcher, and place the images in your new directory. For instance, if you downloaded the PublicDomainMaps, create a directory called "PublicDomain" under the Images subdirectory and put all the images in your new directory. The will show up in the SwordSearcher's viewer menu next time you start SwordSearcher.

Note #1: Some of the larger files have been compressed via Zip. You will need an unzip program (http://www.winzip.com) to extract the contents of the zip into the directories described above.

Note #2: The Testimony of Jesus Christ installation (the TOJC files) is a bit more complicated. Read the "readme" file in the TOJC_support.zip file. It explains the installation in detail.

If you are still unclear, don't be afraid to ask again. Sometimes us computer nerds speek "geekeese" without even knowing it. :lol:

-- Jerry
I'll be posting a "primer" of sorts on how to load in user resources after downloading them, and what files you have to share with people if you want to make yours available. I'll try to get it up later today.
Just FYI, I'm moving some of the posts to their own topic to make it a bit easier for people to locate. Thanks for all the posts here!

I am happy to see you thought the module I created, confess.ssk, was profitable for use. Is there a reason why you decided not to link to the file I created for distribution, and instead you copied the file and gave it a new name (confessions.ssk) as if you created the file? Do you intend to market the file?

This raises some questions in my mind about updates I intend to add to my file and control of where the file is authorized to be distributed. Have any given thought to controlling how modules you created might be controlled regarding distribution, so users would have better opportunity to get the latest version of the file?
BKrajcik said:
Have any given thought to controlling how modules you created might be controlled regarding distribution, so users would have better opportunity to get the latest version of the file?

I know this wasn't a question for me, but I do have a comment.

I would recommend that any module intended for distribution include in the first entry a clear license, explaining what is permissible and what is not. Also, module files generally should be zipped, and a text file with a license and "official download" location could be included.

One thing that is planned is to expand the module format to support including this information in a standard location -- something that can be read with a right-click of the module, etc. In fact, one of my goals for SwordSearcher over the next few years is to support a far more robust user module community by offering better tools for creating them.

Anyway, just a few pennies for thought.
BKrajcik said:
I am happy to see you thought the module I created, confess.ssk, was profitable for use. Is there a reason why you decided not to link to the file I created for distribution, and instead you copied the file and gave it a new name (confessions.ssk) as if you created the file? Do you intend to market the file?

Good grief, no, I don't intend to market the file at all.

Couple things. First, I should have contacted you about the file and asked for permission. Sorry about that. I've removed the file from the Yahoo group.

Second. The name change was purely unintentional. When I downloaded it for my personal use I changed the name on my local installation to something that made more sense to me. So when I later created the Yahoo group I just uploaded the file as I had it on my PC, forgetting that that was not the original name. There was no malicious intent at all.

Third, the reason that I didn't link to your file is due to my purpose for creating the SwordSearcher_help group in the first place. My desire is to provide a "one-stop" location to download the best user-created content for SwordSearcher. I personally like one place that I can go that has all the latest and greatest content, with the most recent release of each. That saves me a ton of time from having to individually check dozens of web sites for updates and new stuff. So that is what I was attempting to do in the Yahoo group for others.

Again, I apologize. I was just overly-excited about filling what I saw as a big gap in the SwordSearcher universe.

God bless.

-- Jerry
I concur with Brandon: authors of resources should be responsible for making clear what restrictions, if any, they intend be placed on the works they produce. This would include things like whether the work is being placed in the public domain or whether it is intentionally copyrighted and what sort of copyright (or copyleft) it might be. If nothing explicit is said then it is probably best to go slowly.

In the case of "A Testimony of Jesus Christ" (TOJC), the opening chapter '00 - A Testimony of Jesus Christ' provides a link to the copyright notice:

This commentary is freely available and may be distributed with the following restrictions:

Copyright ? 2004 by Tony Garland.
Anyone may reproduce and distribute unmodified copies of this commentary in any media provided that this copyright notice is retained in full. Copyrighted images which appear herein by special permission may not be extracted or reproduced for use in derivative works. In preparing this commentary the writer has received help from many sources, some acknowledged and many unacknowledged. He believes the material contained herein to be a true statement of Scripture truth, and his desire is to further, not to restrict, its use. This commentary may be obtained free of charge from www.SpiritAndTruth.org.

This copyright was registered with the United States Copyright Office effective July 8, 2004.

So essentially, the TOJC module can propagate anywhere, in digital or print media, so long as its integrity remains intact, certain images within it are not extracted for other purposes--mages I had to obtain special permission to include, and the copyright remains which points back to where a free version can always be obtained.

Thank you for the reply. Apology is of coarse accepted. All is forgiven. Please accept my apology for being so direct, insensitive, in questioning you about the files in the first place. I hope there is no hard feelings.

I think I understand from reading your post, what you hoped for. Presently I am in other groups Online that have file sharing of freeware files. The way of having the best and latest file available for end users is for the file author to have control of where the files are downloaded from. That has been my experience.

These modules can be changed by the end user, but if there is control of how the files are distributed and a central place for updating files (usually the module author), then other end users have the advantage of being able to get the latest version of the file. If the one that creates the file cares to make any corrections or additions to a file previously released, then the creator of the file should have control of the file, users notifying the one that compiled the file, and the creator redistributing the new update of the file to any various approved distribution points.

Brandon has mentioned about a license for the user created modules, and that is a great way to control the files and can help assure the end users actually have opportunity to get the newest file version. A license is used on other freeware file sharing groups I am part of. Control of the files I provide is something I have considered previous but didn?t take time to include a license. The license is not for curtailing distribution but instead can help assure the latest and best files are provided by end users of the modules.

I won't repeat what has gone before but these resources gave me an insight as to how SwordSearcher is organized. I dare say that people who don't have extensions enabled will find it difficult to put the resources in the right folders but with them enabled, it becomes easy.

Of course I do rely on Brandon to provide me sound doctrine and I don't know whether these resources fall into that category?but thanks anyway.
Lance said:
Of course I do rely on Brandon to provide me sound doctrine and I don't know whether these resources fall into that category?but thanks anyway.

Well, I would just like to re-iterate my "standard disclaimer" regarding included commentaries and books: They are all written by men, so are prone to error.

I do try to be discriminating when adding new material to SwordSearcher, but I don't endorse all the doctrinal positions taken by each author. I couldn't really, since many of the authors present differing views on various issues.
Brandon Staggs said:
Well, I would just like to re-iterate my "standard disclaimer" regarding included commentaries and books: They are all written by men, so are prone to error.

I do try to be discriminating when adding new material to SwordSearcher, but I don't endorse all the doctrinal positions taken by each author. I couldn't really, since many of the authors present differing views on various issues.

Some people I trust, Brandon, but not many. There are more sharks out there than in the Pacific Ocean but I have grown to trust you. Errors fall into two categories. There are simple errors of interpretation which we all make from time to time but there are those made by people who intend to mislead the flock. It is the latter we ought to watch out for because they are false trails. "The Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan is an excellent example of the true and false way and one worth taking to heart if we want to avoid heartbreak.

Count yourself amongst the few. :)
I do try to be discriminating when adding new material to SwordSearcher, but I don't endorse all the doctrinal positions taken by each author. I couldn't really, since many of the authors present differing views on various issues.

Brandon, I think you've done a great job in this respect. I don't think its a bad thing at all to present multiple views on a subject. (Obviously, I'm not talking about heretical viewpoints here).

As I've grown up in the church and watched those around me, it is sad to see so many fall away as soon as they get into college and are presented with conflicting views and "problems" with Scripture. As I teach at my church I always try to be complete when talking about subjects and I don't shy away from presenting other viewpoints, or showing what other people are saying about the subject. I want my class to know what is out there, why do you believe what you believe (1Pet 3:15), and most importantly, how to think critically. This is crucial to setting up a worldview that is solid amidst the waves of a godless society. Here is a great book on the subject:

-- Jerry
Actually, I don't fear the godless society. I know exactly where they stand. It is those who profess truth whilst denying both God and his Word.

Truth mixed with error is far more dangerous than error by itself.

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
[2Ti 3:5]