Make highlight type (color) "sticky" when editing user modules


Beta Tester
I'm sure you've got lots of things planned for highlighting, Brandon, but here is one that I think would not be hard to implement (how do I know?!), but would make my work easier.

I often apply highlighting (usually yellow) in one of my user modules (Shift-Control-H or via menu "Format" > "Text Background (Highlight) Color"). If the color selection would be "sticky" and already be selected the next time I use the highlighting function, it'd speed me up.

(Actually the colors I use are mostly "Custom" [user-defined] colors.)

Thanks for listening!
Note in the request list. Thanks!
Actually, after some more thought, this isn't appropriate because the selection is supposed to show you the current color of the selected text the same way a font dialog shows you the current settings, not the most recently applied settings to some other text. I think what you should use is the format option to quickly apply the last highlighted color, which also has a keyboard shortcut:


If that doesn't work for you let me know, and I will consider this further.
Ingenious! I never saw that! (Best I remember.) Using Ctrl+Alt+H for last background color is perfect. Now all I need to do is remember it, but it's close enough to the one I've been using for years (Shift+Ctrl+H), that I might just be able to make the switch.

So, yes, I agree that no change in the program needs to be made. Just a change in this user.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious to one who often misses it.
Brandon, this is a bit off topic but would it be too big an effort to provide the same type of color picker that Eric shows in his original post for highlighting in the bible window?
Thank you.
Brandon, this is a bit off topic but would it be too big an effort to provide the same type of color picker that Eric shows in his original post for highlighting in the bible window?
Thank you.

Redesigning the highlighting system is on the road map for a future major release. One of the aspects of that design would be custom colors for Bible highlighting. I have no estimate to give you regarding when that will happen, though.