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User-submitted Maranatha - Or the Lord Cometh by James Brookes Hall 1.1
Study of Pre-millennialism

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Martin Pitcher

Active Member
The last Entry, titled, "Illustrative Diagram," doesn't present any diagram. There is only a small box with the letter X inside of it. Do you or anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get that Box to open into a photo of that diagram? ? ?
In the code editor tab of the SS editor, this line is the problem. It is pointing to the picture in Martin's JHB's SS user directory.
<IMG src="C:\Users\Martin\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules\JHBmarana-Assets\DF19DC08_Brooke's_20Diagram.jpg"
width=1565 height=671>

The way to make this work is for Martin to
1. Create a folder in SS user directory called Assets-JHBMarana. I see that this exists.
2. Move the diagram called DF19DC08_Brooke's_20Diagram.jpg into the folder (it's there)
3. Change the line in the code editor to:
<IMG src="{moduleassets}\DF19DC08_Brooke's_20Diagram.jpg" width=1565 height=671>"
4. Then upload the module again after creating a zip file from the USER menu/advanced module maintenance

If you don't zip it that way, the Assets folder will not be included.

Martin - if you want to post the picture in this thread, I can do this for you
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Sorry for the problem. I'll see what I can do to get it corrected.
In the code editor tab of the SS editor, this line is the problem. It is pointing to the picture in Martin's JHB's SS user directory.
<IMG src="C:\Users\Martin\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules\JHBmarana-Assets\DF19DC08_Brooke's_20Diagram.jpg"
width=1565 height=671>

The way to make this work is for Martin to
1. Create a folder in SS user directory called Assets-JHBMarana. I see that this exists.
2. Move the diagram called DF19DC08_Brooke's_20Diagram.jpg into the folder (it's there)
3. Change the line in the code editor to:
<IMG src="{moduleassets}\DF19DC08_Brooke's_20Diagram.jpg" width=1565 height=671>"
4. Then upload the module again after creating a zip file from the USER menu/advanced module maintenance

If you don't zip it that way, the Assets folder will not be included.

Martin - if you want to post the picture in this thread, I can do this for you
Thank you for the help. HTML coding is something I haven't done in eight years or so, but with help like your's I'll get back into the swing of it..
What a great work, indeeeeed !!! ;)
-I speak now from all my bad experiences . . . EVERYONE, . . . HOW ABOUT A FULL BACK UP OF ALL SWORDSEARCHER's FILES ? ! ? !
Twice better than one....!! -So we can skip the "crying" part... 😂🤣😢 (I speak from my own experience !)
As I look back at all them NEW inputs... -I remember, once upon a time....when "backups" were not a priority in my life, how many tears have been involved in that learning process......Lolllll 😆🤔😢😉😉😉.
External hard drive, flash drive, memory stick, what ever ye do, save a copy in a fire proof safe !!!
( I am up to 23Gb. ! )

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1:5
This verse So applies to me....
Ya'all have a blessed day, Bless SwordSearcher, and His creator.
Thank You Mr. Staggs. and all the others who makes this knowledge available.