Maybe I would like to see Bible pictures with Bible verses.


Active Member
It would be kind of cool to have Bible pictures with Bible verses like how Biblehub does it, but with higher resolution text. I kind of think background video would be cool too, but we would have to be more careful about what video to use because it can be more dangerous having a wrong video. But the video would probably take up too much space, but could be an optional download. But I think the pictures might not take up too much space. Then have enough pictures and it could be like a slide show or something with one or two Bible verses with a picture. Just and idea.
It would be kind of cool to have Bible pictures with Bible verses like how Biblehub does it, but with higher resolution text. I kind of think background video would be cool too, but we would have to be more careful about what video to use because it can be more dangerous having a wrong video. But the video would probably take up too much space, but could be an optional download. But I think the pictures might not take up too much space. Then have enough pictures and it could be like a slide show or something with one or two Bible verses with a picture. Just and idea.
I'd like to hear Brandon's response, but while it sounds like a fine idea, it may be in line with the main purposes of Swordsearcher.

The program is already very feature rich, with many wonderful resources. But again, would be interested if Brandon has a response.
I'd like to hear Brandon's response, but while it sounds like a fine idea, it may be in line with the main purposes of Swordsearcher.

The program is already very feature rich, with many wonderful resources. But again, would be interested if Brandon has a response.
Maybe it wouldn't work, I don't know. It would be kind of cool to connect a laptop for sermons, perhaps in a church and have Bible pictures with the verses for the congregations, on a projector or flat screen TV. I don't teach right now in Church, but I would Sword Searcher if I were teaching in front of an audience. I have used Sword Searcher for teaching on Youtube and Sword Searcher has really helped me because I don't have the best memory. Praise God regardless of that. I'm am thankful still.
I just want to say that even if I do not directly comment on feature suggestions, I do read them and they are important. I have had some ideas about more robust image features in SwordSearcher and it is certainly a possibility for future enhancements.