Men as Trees


Beta Tester
I am working on a book module called Men As Trees (see Mark 8:24). Here's a link to the installer if you want to try it. It uses tree diagrams called "mindmaps" as a method to study important men of the Bible. I plan on adding more people as I study them. It may take a while to finish. I'll post updates occasionally.

If anyone would like to work on this project, study a person and create a mindmap diagram using free software called FREEMIND. Post or send me the .mm file. (I have to reserve editorial rights :) )

I create the diagram by exporting the PNG file from FREEMIND, and then I use an image-mapper software called MAPEDIT to create the hotspots on the diagram that links to Bible verses, etc.

This module is editable so you can see how the links are supposed to look by using the code editor in SwordSearcher. Modules/InstallMAT.exe

The installer will put the images into the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SwordSearcher 5\Images\Men
and it will put the module in the directory:
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules
Bill, I have freemind and I have used it some, and I have studied some of the potential of mind mapping programs with regards to it's use in educational settings.

I guess I'm still a bit too linear to really give it a good go.

But I've downloaded yours and will be interested in see it.
Bill, do I need mapedit to create hotspots? It can't be done from within freemind?
Bill, do I need mapedit to create hotspots? It can't be done from within freemind?

Freemind will produce the image map (export as XHTML) but it also produces other stuff in the file that needs to be edited out in order to use in SS.

After editing out extra stuff then go through the file and update the HREF statements for the desired SS links. Paste the result into a SS book topic using the CODE editor. Then test out the links.

It helps to put the verse refs on the diagram so you know how to link them when you are editing.

Mapedit is not necessary. I just find it easier.
If anyone would like to work on this project, study a person and create a mindmap diagram using free software called FREEMIND. Post or send me the .mm file. (I have to reserve editorial rights :) )

How to send or post files to you ?
By the way I am doing Bible personalities starting with Genesis and going to Rev, so it would be safe to start in the NT to avoid duplication. I am not doing everyone. If the Bible has several things to say about a character, that would be a good candidate to study. So far I have:
This is probably more than most people want to know :)

Here are the steps for making a freemind mindmap into a SS topic.
  1. Do the mind map using freemind
  2. File/export the resulting map as XHTML (clickable....). This will created a HTML file and a subdirectory with images. Keep track of the location where you export.
  3. Edit the html file and copy everything between the <img...> tag and the </map> tag.
  4. Make a new SS topic in your own SS book.
  5. Edit the new SS topic and switch to the code editor.
  6. Paste the clipboard contents after the <body> tag
  7. Go to the exported subdirectory mentioned above in step 2. Move and rename the image.png file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SwordSearcher 5\Images\Men\yourtopicname.png
  8. Edit the SS topic again and change the tag <img...src="C:\Program Files (x86)\SwordSearcher 5\Images\Men\yourtopicname.png"
  9. Go through the SS topic using the code editor, changing the tags <a href="..." so they are appropriate links for SS like the following:
<a href="swordsearcher://book/topicname"
<a href="swordsearcher://verselist/gen 10.1-5"
<a href="swordsearcher://search+kjv/jacob"
etc. (see swordsearcher help on "links in Swordsearcher" for more)

Here's the result for AARON looking at the HTML using the CODE editor:

Notice how Swordsearcher puts %20 in place of a space when you switch from CODE editor to DESIGN editor and then back again. It also reformats the HTML code to be a little more readable.

<img style="border-bottom: 0px; text-align: center; border-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-top: 0px; border-right: 0px" alt="Imagemap" src="C:\Program Files (x86)\SwordSearcher 5\Images\Men/aaron.png" usemap="#fm_imagemap"/></div>
<map id="fm_imagemap" name="fm_imagemap">
<area title="Aaron" href="swordsearcher://search+kjv/Aaron*" shape="RECT" alt="Aaron" coords="395,70,441,110"/>
<area title="General References to" href="swordsearcher://verselist/Ex 4:14; 5:20; 6:20; 7:1,7,12; 12:1; 16:34; 17:12; 19:24; 24:14; 28:12; 30:10; 32:2;Le 10:6;Nu 12:1; 16:11; 17:3; 20:25,28" shape="RECT" alt="General References to" coords="247,0,384,23"/>
<area title="Made spokesman for Moses" href="swordsearcher://verselist/Ex 7:1" shape="RECT" alt="Made spokesman for Moses" coords="461,0,630,23"/>
<area title="With Hur, supports Moses' hands during a ..." href="swordsearcher://verselist/Ex 17:12" shape="RECT" alt="With Hur, supports Moses' hands during a ..." coords="108,23,384,46"/>

... OMITTED to save space ...

Thanks, Bill! :)