MIDI Controller


Active Member
I'm thinking of controlling Sword Searcher with a hardware device, maybe a MIDI controller.
I was able to control FL Studio and Davinci Resolve with controllers, running them through Bome's MTP.

Maybe direct connections to the scroll bars so we don't have to use a mouse.
Examples of this is control surfaces you can get for Pro Tools, Davinci Resolve, etc.
A device like this, maybe:
Control Surface.png

The faders would be tough to control dynamic scroll bars, but I could probably do it.
Or that scrub wheel would be context aware; controlling whatever window is currently focused.
The buttons could be set up for commonly used things like bookmarks, quick concordance, view options etc.

The transport controls could manage audio playback of selected text. (Not sure if that's a thing. Maybe link this program with a text to speech app, like balabolka, but that one's not very good).

Here's an example of what I did with a MIDI controller, but FLS does of course have MIDI support. I could use Auto Hot Key or something instead of MIDI, I don't know.
Maybe direct connections to the scroll bars so we don't have to use a mouse.
I'm very familiar with MIDI and I have even software development involving its use. That said, I don't think SwordSearcher's use can be made easier with this form of input. Right now you can take your mouse, point at a text panel, and scroll with the mouse wheel. And then you can quickly change to different content using the mouse or keyboard. It would be difficult to use MIDI note-on and velocity signals to control enough of SwordSearcher to make it work well, IMO.
Alright. I kept losing my place when scrolling, so I started getting ideas. Was selecting a word before scrolling so I could not lose what line I was on. But Page Up/Page Dn is working good for that.
Instead of a MIDI controller, I happened upon this one:
Shuttle Pro V2.jpg

It's an HID device, not MIDI. So integration would be easier I think.
It's literally designed for this exact task. The finger wheel for vertical scroll bars, the thumb wheel for horizontal (or whatever the user wants)
The buttons for shortcuts. Very nice.
There are several other applications that have support for this device.

I'm wondering if there are other users who are having the same ideas as me. Maybe they could collab on an autohotkey script or something.
I had a Stream Deck+ for these kinds of things but didn't like it. This one is pricey, but when someone has multiple programs they can use it with, the usefulness compounds.
Instead of a MIDI controller, I happened upon this one:
Honestly dude, I think the keyboard shortcuts built into the program are far easier to use than trying to go outside the program.

I mean, if that's your thing, go for it. But for me, well, I used to type 75 wpm, not so much any more, but it was important for me to be able to not have to take my fingers off the keyboard to do most normal functions, in order to conserve speed and for increased functionality. I really appreciate Brandon listened to that plea.

At least, give the keyboard shortcuts a good review, if you haven't already. Just a thought.
Honestly dude, I think the keyboard shortcuts built into the program are far easier to use than trying to go outside the program.

I mean, if that's your thing, go for it. But for me, well, I used to type 75 wpm, not so much any more, but it was important for me to be able to not have to take my fingers off the keyboard to do most normal functions, in order to conserve speed and for increased functionality. I really appreciate Brandon listened to that plea.

At least, give the keyboard shortcuts a good review, if you haven't already. Just a thought.
I'm not saying the shortcuts are bad. Had some misunderstandings about how to use the search, etc. , but is still an amazing program.
I was figuring out how many programs I could use the Shuttle Pro with, to see if it's worth the buy. What better way to find out than ask the devs directly.

So I have one on order. If it works good I'll make a video about it.