Migrate SwordSearcher to a New PC


Active Member
I got a new PC. What would be the quickest way to migrate SS, including custom modules/settings, over to it.

1. Install SwordSearcher on the new PC using your setup files. See here if you cannot find your setup files. If you are not using the current version of SwordSearcher be sure to upgrade to the current version, especially if your new computer has Windows 11 and you are using a version of SwordSearcher older than 9.0. There is no need to install old versions on the new computer even if you are upgrading.

2. On your old PC, export your settings using the File menu option. Save them to a file on a memory stick (etc), and then use the same option on the new PC to import your settings file that you just exported.


3. Close SwordSearcher on both computers and then copy over any user modules you may have created, along with your highlighting and reading plan data, which is all normally stored in your Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules folder. Copy it into the same Documents\SwordSearcher User Modules folder on the new PC, which will exist if you have opened SwordSearcher at least once on the new PC. See here for details. You can also create additional or alternate locations for storing your modules.

NOTE that if you are using OneDrive on both computers you may not need to actually copy over module files. (Settings would still need to be copied as in step 1.) If your OneDrive is already syncing your Documents folder, just make sure on the new PC that the folder is set to always keep files locally.


That should cover it...
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Thanks! I will try this out. Where do Sorenson's UTB, Way of Life's Two Modules, and NASB95 store their SS modules?
Thanks! I will try this out. Where do Sorenson's UTB, Way of Life's Two Modules, and NASB95 store their SS modules?
Since those are add-ons, Those all need to be installed with the setup files you purchased for them. You could find the actual module files in your Program Files\SwordSearcher\Modules folder if you don't have the setup files, but the setup files are the best way.