Multiple verse link format in User commentary


Beta Tester
Can I insert a comment on BOTH Romans 8:15 and 16 in a user commentary? How? I see that, for example, in the MHWBC on Eph 3:17, there's a link that says, "See comments on verses 14-21". And when you click on it, it takes you to v. 21. So I assume the special note to "See ..." has been manually added to each verse in the range from v. 14 to v. 20? Maybe I just need to do the same with my user commentary... Thanks for any advice!
Put your comment on verse 14 and then in the remainder of the verses (15-21) put a link like this.

<a href="sscmt:Notes|Rom 1:14">See Notes on Rom 1:14-21</a>

where Notes is the SS name of the commentary. See the SwordSearcher5.pdf file on page 63
Bill's reply is the proper method to do that. The "anchor text" (the text between the <a href...> and </a>) can say whatever you want it to say in a comment link. The true link is in the href portion and should point to the specific entry the commentary text is stored in.