My downloadable modules thus far.....


Active Member
Without regard to who did which module I'm submitting a list of what I have for SS5 below. These can be found at:

Please let me know if you find errors or if you cannot download any of these. I know everything here will not be suited to the likes of everyone but you can do like I did with a writing by Pink yesterday - I take the meat and spit out the bones.

MGB, Regie

1John.ss5book 396k ***by Elder Joe Holder

ABD.ss5book 641k ***A Body of Divinity by Thomas Boston

BEGOTTEN.ss5book 194k ***Begotten by the Gospel by Eld. Z. Guess

Beat.ss5book 608k ***Beatitudes by Thomas Boston

Beatitude.ss5book 258k ***Beatitudes by John Calvin

BrineSerm.ss5book 1.2M ***John Brine Sermons

BrineVind.ss5book 508k ***A Vindication of Some Truths by J. Brine

Church.ss5book 335k ***Bible Church by Eld. Joe Holder

Covenants.ss5book 590k ***Divine Covenants by A. W. Pink

David.ss5book 1.2M ***Life of David by Arthur W. Pink

Dispensat.ss5book 254k ***Study of Dispensationalism by Pink

DivineEne.ss5book 429k ***Divine Energy by John Skepp

DivineGra.ss5book 343k *** Riches of Divine Grace by Samuel Eyles Pierce

Dura_Olip.ss5book 236k ***Letters on Time Salvation By Silas Durand & J.H. Oliphant

Efficacy.ss5book 491k ***Certain Efficacy of the Death of Christ Asserted by John Brine

ExodusPin.ss5book 1.1M ***Gleanings in Exodus by A. W. Pink (Notice the date & size (will be updating this one hopefully later today)

GG.ss5book 796k ***Gospel Gleanings by Eld. Joe Holder (Hopefully will update again but don't know when)

GOSPR.ss5book 310k ***Gospel Power for Life in the Trenches by Elder Joe Holder

Galatians.ss5book 519k ***Galatians by Elder Joe Holder

Genesis.ss5book 704k ***Gleanings in Genesis by A. W. Pink

GillBD.ss5book 2.8M ***Body of Divinity by John Gill

GillCGT.ss5book 223k ***Cause of God and Truth by John Gill

GillSerm.ss5book 2.9M ***Sermons by John Gill

Godhead.ss5book 593k ***Gleanings in the Godhead by Pink

H-Witsius.ss5book 1.5M ***The Economy of the Covenants by Herman Witsius

HAWKERS.ss5book 1.6M ***Hawkers Dictionary

Hagler.ss5book 705k ***Writings by Tom Hagler

Hassell.ss5book 1.7M ***Church History by Hassell

Heb-Pink.ss5cmty 2.4M ***Hebrews Commentary by A. W. Pink

Holder.ss5book 1.3M ***Several writings by Eld. Joe Holder

Institute.ss5book 2.0M ***Calvin's Institutes

JCP.ss5cmty 1.8M ***Commentary on some selected scriptures by J. C. Philpot

JH-Redem.ss5book 301k ***Particular Redemption by John Hurrion

Justifica.ss5book 307k ***Justification by A. W. Pink

KNOLLYS.ss5cmty 1.0M ***Commentary on Revelations by Hanserd Knollys

LP.ss5book 688k ***Lord's Prayer by Thomas Boston

Meditat.ss5book 394k ***Meditation on the Sacred Humanity of Our Blessed Redeemer by J. C. Philpot

Mercies.ss5book 555k ***Mercies of a Covenant God by John Warburton

Nonsuch.ss5book 439k ***Nonsuch Professor by Wm. Secker

PB.ss5cmty 2.5M ***Primitive Baptist Commentary

PBtop.ss5book 1.1M ***Primitive Baptist Topical Digest

PartRedem.ss5book 342k ***Defense of Particular Redemption by Wm. Rushton

Philpot.ss5book 8.5M ***Sermons by J. C. Philpot

Pink.ss5book 2.4M ***Various books by Arthur W. Pink

Pink2.ss5book 1.6M ***More Various Books by A. W. Pink

PowerWord.ss5book 201k ***The Power of the Word by Elder Jimmy Barber

Regenerat.ss5book 252k ***Regeneration or the New Birth by Arthur W. Pink

RhodesWes.ss5book 488k ***Rhodes/West Debate


Sabbath.ss5book 249k ***Christian Sabbath by A. W. Pink

Satisfact.ss5book 585k ***The Satisfaction of Christ by A. W. Pink

SongGill.ss5cmty 1.6M ***Song of Solomon by John Gill

Sonship.ss5book 304k ***Eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ by J. C. Philpot

Soul.ss5book 247k ***What Is It That Saves A Soul? by J. C. Philpot

ThompsG.ss5book 547k ***The Primitive Preacher by Eld. Grigg Thompson

Treatise.ss5book 514k ***Treatise on Various Subjects By John Brine

Undeniabl.ss5book 340k ***Undeniable Doctrinal Truths by Elder Zack Guess


Waldenses.ss5book 272k ***History of the Waldenses (J. A. Wylie)??????

WebbSr.ss5book 509k ***Little Things by Eld. T. L. Webb, Sr.
The modules you have listed for Thomas Boston should be Thomas Watson.
Thanks for the list.
The modules you have listed for Thomas Boston should be Thomas Watson.
Thanks for the list.

Thanks much for letting us know about this. Also, you or anyone else are free to take what I have done and put it on your links as you like. I could care less about being credited with them. I've put them out so all can use them freely even to the point of editing them as to format and adding index entries, etc. and correcting links. The only thing is that I'd like to know when a link, etc. has been corrected so I can correct my copy too. :)

Thanks A Secound Time, I Just Looked At Gleaming In Ex By Pink And Found The Info About The Tabernacle That Ive Been Looking For.