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Included Nave's Topical Bible [Nave] [Deluxe]
Orville J. Nave, A.M., D.D., LL.D. (1841-1917)

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
SwordSearcher updated Nave's Topical Bible [Nave] [Deluxe] with a new update entry:

Improved in SwordSearcher 7.1.

The Nave's module has had several improvements in version 7.1.

Some content from the book that has been missing has been restored (going back to original scans of the book).

The format of the entries has been completely re-done in a better outline form. It has superior readability over the original print format and is much improved over previous versions of SwordSearcher.

A great example is the "Quotations and Allusions in the New Testament From, and To, the Old Testament" entry which was...

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