Questions about module guidelines


Most of the threads in the Module Discussion forum seemed focused on individual modules, so I hope this is the appropriate location to post this thread. I thought it might be an appropriate location since it involves some specific questions about user generated modules, and my specific questions did not seem to be addressed in the guidelines for publishing modules.

But before I get into my questions, I want to thank Brandon for all of his work on Sword Searcher. As a software developer myself, I can see the care that has gone into making this software user friendly and valuable to those who are doing in-depth Bible study. I am especially drawn to the ability to create custom books and commentaries and integrate them into the notes that can be associated with given Bible verses. These capabilities have motivated me to create some custom modules of my own for possible distribution.

I have the following questions concerning appropriate content in these custom modules if they are to be distributed on the Sword Searcher repository of modules.

1. The appropriateness of including links to my own website
2. Whether it is appropriate to ask for help from others to help with further work researching and promoting a given subject area within a section of my book.

To make these abstract questions more concrete, I have been developing a book and commentaries for the Old Earth Creationist approach to understanding some Bible passages. The book is an overall look at this approach with some background about what I am pursuing with this approach. This currently includes a request to join me in the creation of a curriculum that I am developing that incorporates these concepts and that I hope to distribute more widely in the near future. In this context, my question is whether it is allowable to include one request in the introduction of my book for others to join me in this endeavor, or if such a request would be inappropriate.

My commentaries are more focused on different verses in the Bible, especially at this time from Genesis 1. In both my book and commentaries I have a reference to my website at so that interested readers can get more background information. Would such a link be allowed in a commentary or book or would that be considered inappropriate?

I have the first rough draft of my Introduction of the book and commentaries for the first three verses of Genesis 1 that I have attached here as an example of the type of content I will be producing.

Thanks in advance for your guidance in these areas and for producing software that is so useful for in-depth Bible study.
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2. Whether it is appropriate to ask for help from others to help with further work researching and promoting a given subject area within a section of my book.

This forum wouldn't be a good place to develop the content of your module. Asking for help with using the software is fine; editing the content, developing the content, researching it, etc, would fall well outside the purpose of the forum and should be done in some other venue. You can find more details about what the forum is intended for here:

You're welcome to use the forum to discuss how to use the editing features, etc.

If you want to share your module here in the repository, please read these posts:

Including links to your material inside of your module is not a problem. Yours wouldn't be the first to do so.