Removing superscript footnotes when using Forge


Active Member
I have a work in progress which has a lot of footnotes (superscripted) (such as 108216 except super instead of subscript). When i try to use Forge it will all be showing as 108216 (not what I want).

Is there a way to set Forge to tell it to put it properly? I thought saving as UTF8 would take care of it , but it does not.

Superscript should look like this in the plain text before you run Forge.
Forge processes HTML input. It doesn't remove formatting. If it's not showing up superscript it is likely an HTML coding issue.
Thanks to both of you for your replies. The work I am doing is Moulton andl Milligans Vocabulary of the Greek NT for my pastor (it is far above my Greek knowledge to say the least. I can find pdf copies of it online in places and one bible software has it for sale. As best I can tell from what you, Brandon, have written is that at worst it may be another 5 or 6 years before it is not copyright material but that may be the wrong possibility. If that is true, then you might be able to share what I have done at that time. Until I know for sure, I will not be sharing it.