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User-submitted Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words 1.0
Word Categories

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Beta Tester
wsbones submitted a new module:

Search Personal Commentary for Categorized Words - Word Categories

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I use a prefix, "cat:" in my personal commentary to tag key words. There are no cats in the Bible :) For example I tagged "seed" in the note on Gen 3.15 and various other entries that that I would like to find again on that subject. Each note can have as many categories as desired.

The links search a personal commentary (called _Notes) for any entries containing a tagged word. This is equivalent to using F4 to search the...

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Oooooh..... NICE ! ! ! ! !
Thank you so much Sir.
Hi Sir...
would you have a quick reminder "how to" for the code editor, in order to change the "_NOTE" into the commentary's name.
Nevermind, I should practice what I say.
F1, got it now..... just a brain freeze, sorry.
F1 is THE WAY !
This is REALLY nice.....
will be taggin' from now on.....
Love it, thank you very much.
PS: how can we add words to the list?
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PS: how can we add words to the list?
1. Edit the module
2. Go to the end of the list after Zion and hit Shift Enter to go down 1 line.


3. Insert a link to a commentary search. (the shortcut to insert a search link is alt-im)

4. For example: search expression is cat:mother but use the anchor text mother

5. Save and exit the editor (alt s)
This will put the entry at the end. If you put it in the existing list alphabetically, it will make the column lengths unequal. Also you will probably want to put it at the end so you know which ones you enter.
6. Go to your user commentary in Gen 2.24 and make an entry like this using cat:mother. Save the commentary entry and then test the link in the _cat module.
Amen SIR !!!
thank you for this module.
SO appreciated!
This is a neat tool, Bill! I've started going through my '_Notes' module and marking the keywords I want to track. I'm actually just adding a line under my notes with cat:keyword, i.e., cat:gospel, cat:kingdom, etc., to make the note itself more readable. I've never thought about reading my notes on a subject all together, and it's an interesting experience. Thank you for sharing this module!
I'm actually just adding a line under my notes with cat:keyword
I chose to put my cat: marker on the word in the text so I could see the context in the search result. You are right though it makes the note harder to read with all the ๐Ÿฑ ๐Ÿฑ running around.

Maybe Brandon could think of a better way to mark words and keep a list of categories sorted and up to date automatically. That would be a very useful study tool.
I'm sure we can do this with the tools in SwordSearcher, but the thing I noticed right away is that I make my notes with the focus on the verse itself - definitions, related verses, insight gained, personal application, etc. - but with your module, the focus is on the notes and my related notes on a specific topic, and it's all in one place so I can see it all at once together. I can also see other keywords tied to the first one. It's like a word tree for my notes.
I just "RE"write the word from note at the top of my note's panel with"cat"..... so they are always handy.....;)
I love that tool!
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I've been pretty busy and haven't had time to explore this wonder that you've created Bill, but with all the glowing reviews can I say thanks in advance? ๐Ÿ˜‰
Bill, I can see this module taking some pressure off the 'highlighting wish-list' and I'm enjoying using it. One question: what does "josc" stand for?
That "tagging" stuff is very addictive..... Amen ! ! !
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