Search question


Beta Tester
I used F2 to search for an exact phrase with this expression:

(latter|last) & (days|day|time*)

The results were pretty close to what I expected except it returned a couple verses where the two words were separated in the same verse (i.e. Dan 8:19)

Does the boolean expression cause the search method to be overridden? Is there an easy way to guarantee that words will be contiguous?

Search Window

I notice that Ctrl-C does not work in the search results window for copying a highlighted verse in the latest version
Does the boolean expression cause the search method to be overridden?

If you use boolean operators, the search method is assumed to be boolean regardless of what else you've chosen. The above search expression doesn't include any phrases.

Is there an easy way to guarantee that words will be contiguous?

Not when you want to also employ boolean operations. Basically, in this case, you need to search for multiple phrases, such as

"latter days " | "last days" ...etc. There isn't any way to define a boolean expression "inside" of a phrase.
Re: Search Window

I notice that Ctrl-C does not work in the search results window for copying a highlighted verse in the latest version

Hmm. I can't reproduce this problem. Ctrl+C works as expected in a search result verse list for me... Can you email me a screen shot of what you see when it's not working? Thanks.
Re: Search Window

Hmm. I can't reproduce this problem. Ctrl+C works as expected in a search result verse list for me... Can you email me a screen shot of what you see when it's not working? Thanks.

It seems to be a problem when the search window is undocked. I sent you a screen shot by email. It works fine if I restore the most recently set layout.
Re: Search Window

It seems to be a problem when the search window is undocked. I sent you a screen shot by email. It works fine if I restore the most recently set layout.

Thanks, I'll take a look.