Some suggested commentaries to add

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Active Member
Maybe consider adding of these commentaries to Sword Searcher. I think they are copyright free

I know the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is already part of the commentary package, i use it all the time.
I know the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is already part of the commentary package, i use it all the time.
yea. Some of those are part of the Sword Searcher Program, but some of them are not. And they should be free to use. No copyright. I've been using some of the commentaries like Family and British Family Bible Notes. And Hall's explanation of hard texts along with, Charles Wesley, Thomas Scott, and William Burkitt. Otherwise I used Matthew Pooles, Barnes Notes, and sometimes Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown's commentary, but I think those last commentaries are part of the Sword Searcher.
Are these good articles copyrighted . . .
122 Sermons on the Song of Solomon? 😲
I downloaded the Questions and Sunday School one. I almost download the Arthur Pink one on the four gospels.

THE PROPHET EZEKIEL - Arno C. Gaebelein - That One I might have. But it was too complicated for me.​

The last module that I downloaded was The Way of life dictionary. So I'm not sure if I remember how to do it, but can probably figure it out. Otherwise, what is the

"EXPOSITOR'S DICTIONARY OF TEXTS" by William Robertson Nicoll.? I might get that one, but not sure what it is. Thank You.​

You can get a better idea of what they are by looking them up on my website.
Click on the link below my. Name. When my site opens on the main page just
Click on any of the dark blue bars. The one for commentaries is at the top. Or
You can use the modules pull down menu on the menu bar at the top of any page.

Thanks! Going to check out your website after work. I downloaded the picture module. It's been awhile since I used a module and I can't remember much about them; as far as loading them and their name. Here is a picture of a file and I'm wondering if this is the module to load? Thank You.
file sword.png
You must unzip both the subdirectory and the commentary file to your Sword Searcher users subdirectory. There are pictures and information in the commentary that it must access that's in that subdirectory. So you must unzip both to your swordsearcher users subdirectory. That way swordsearcher will be able to find the necessary information that the commentary file is looking for.

Anytime you notice in a zip file that there is an "Assets" subdirectory with the same name (almost) as a commentary or book module, that means both must be placed (unzipped) to the Sword Searcher Users subdirectory. Much of the data, images, and/or information for the EMZQ-NT cmty module resides in its respective "EMZQT-Assets" subdirectory.

And, of course, Sword Searcher will then generate the tab "EMZQ-NT" upon startup. Have fun and enjoy!!

I couldn't find a users subdirectory, so I just extracted the files to the module folder? Did I do good? I'm trying to find the new images in Sword Searcher and looked under the images tab, but couldn't find them. So I'm wondering what to do next? thank you.
I have trouble finding the module. Extracted the module and put it in the Sword module folder. Then I looked for it under the user tab in Sword. Sorry it's been so long since I tried to use a module and I can't remember. Here i
user module.png
s a picture where I tried looking for it.

Note: You will also need to tell SwordSearcher what module set(s) you want
to assign the module to. That way, when you run SwordSearcher with a

particular module set loaded, the module will show up when the module set
it is attached to is loaded. Don't know what is going on in your system, but
sure you that you have attached the module to the module set you are
to use in SwordSearcher.

Did you look for the module via the "Book" panel or the "Commentary" panel"?

After you have made sure that the module is assigned to the module set you are
loading in SwordSearcher, make sure you click on the "commentary" tab and the
module's tab should show itself, provided it is extracted to the same subdirectory
as all your other SS modules.....

Johnny NL was my beta tester on this one. I can assure you it works as intended.
I created this module as an effective tool to aid Sunday School teachers and Bible
school teachers.

Simply drag and drop any of the tests, quizzes or puzzles directly into WORD for
entertaining and instructional purposes and as an aid in Sunday School studies.


ok I got it. "
Note: You will also need to tell SwordSearcher what module set(s) you want
to assign the module to. " -
that helped - I was searching without loading. Then when I searched I was typing something else like " pictures instead of EMZQ- Once I searched EMZQ in the module tab and then add module. It was then found. thanks for the help
i don't know if this will help, but the PowerBible Cd has Morning and Evening module. So I just opened the module in a text file. So here is the text file.


  • Morning and Evening Text file.txt
    1.4 MB · Views: 310
SS8 already has a Spurgeon morning/evening module/audio.: SMEA
SS8 already has a Spurgeon morning/evening module/audio.: SMEA
oh ok. I thought that it was strange if they didn't have it.
Morning and Evening module
This is already available in SwordSearcher. It's included as a commentary and also accessible by day/evening from the Devotional menu.

I've seen some other modules posted that are duplicates of content already supplied in SwordSearcher. I'm not sure the reason for posting content that is already included; seems like a lot of duplicated effort and cluttered libraries.

You can see what is in your library by clicking the toolbar button that controls your visible tabs, or the Tabs menu, or File: Select Module, or Help: Installed modules, or by looking at the complete lists here:

There are all together 377 SS modules so far. That would explained the LG 49" screen ! ! ! 😁
There are all together 377 SS modules so far. That would explained the LG 49" screen ! ! ! 😁
Maybe someone can make a module for the modules. I'm not joking. Like have a module that list all the modules with a brief description of the module is and what year it was first published. Maybe even list the user created modules too. Just an idea.
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