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Included Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional [SME] [Deluxe]
C. H. Spurgeon's twice-daily devotional readings as a commentary.

Brandon Staggs

Staff member
Brandon Staggs submitted a new resource:

Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional [SME] [Deluxe] - C. H. Spurgeon's twice-daily devotional readings as a commentary.

See the complete description on the SwordSearcher web site.

  • Accessible by date on the Devotional menu.
  • Accessible by verse, as a commentary.
  • Quick shortcuts for current daily readings.
  • An excellent aid for day-by-day spiritual growth.

SwordSearcher tab: Commentaries > SME
This is part of the SwordSearcher Deluxe...

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On the Morning And Evening reading for January 19th Evening, there is a wrong wording that gives the entirely opposite intended meaning:

They know the killing letter of revelation, but its killing spirit they cannot discern; they have a veil upon their hearts which the eyes of carnal reason cannot penetrate.

It should read:

They know the killing letter of revelation, but its living spirit they cannot discern; they have a veil upon their hearts which the eyes of carnal reason cannot penetrate.

I noticed this error the other day when reading this devotional in my Olive Tree Bible app, so I contacted the company to see if they could fix it. I realize oftentimes many people use the same text files passing on the same errors so I checked Swordsearcher and saw the same misquoted word there too.
Just to clarify, I checked the hardcover book I had to see how it was worded in comparison. Somehow the text files got that one word changed, but the physical book reads as I have stated above (with "living" instead of "killing" in the second part of the quote).