Sticky Notes


Beta Tester
When I'm working through a particular study or problem, it would be neat to have a popup space to make some notes while I organize my thoughts - like a Get Em Done sticky. It would be cool to be able to just close (delete) the note when I'm done, or save it for future reference and even 'attach' it to a module entry or to a verse reference, where it would show as a little note icon that would expand if I hover over it or if it's clicked, it would open and I could edit it or delete it.

Right now I'm using an external sticky note program to make notes and have found it very useful. I can copy a note and put it in a user module or create a module for it if it turns out that I want to keep it after all.
There is a sticky notes app in windows. I don't remember if it's a download from the windows store or part of the original distribution. It's pretty good.
Thanks, Bill! I have a sticky note program that is really nice and works well for quick notes. I was thinking about a sticky note application within SwordSearcher, so the note could stay within SwordSearcher instead of being a separate program...
Thanks, Bill! I have a sticky note program that is really nice and works well for quick notes. I was thinking about a sticky note application within SwordSearcher, so the note could stay within SwordSearcher instead of being a separate program...
Understand and agree :)

I use a small utility called Turbotop ( that will keep any app on top of the others. Using that and a sticky note program together is like having multiple editors available while in SS.