SwordSearcher 7.2 works with Windows 10

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Brandon Staggs

Staff member
I have been testing SwordSearcher 7.2 on several of the various technical/insider previews of Windows 10 over the last several months. My machine with Windows 10 recently updated to the "final" shipping version which will be released in a couple of days.

SwordSearcher 7.2 works great on this new version of Windows (as well as Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP).
I am so glad. I know you said it would previously, & on the strength of that I reserved a copy, for my PC & also for my tablet. Thank you Sir for my (your) wonderful study library, & the ease of SwordSearcher.
10 is released tomorrow at least for me in Canada. I'm glad that it works too.
I like it and it's performance with SS so much, that I made a recovery disc, and created a backup image (16 cd's)
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