I don't know if there's an easier way to do it without editing in code mode, but if you do go to code mode you can insert a color background using this bit - bgColor=red - where "red" can be any color you want - there are also color numbers or hex codes that will give you different shades (you can look them up online or get them from your photo editor color selector). If you insert the color code in the table tag, e.g., <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 1em" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="75%" border=1 bgColor=red>, the whole table background will be red, but if you insert the color code in the row or cell tag, only the cell or row will be that color, e.g., <TR bgColor=red> or <TD vAlign=top bgColor=red>. TR = Table Row TD = Table Data, or the individual cell.