
Active Member
Does anyone have any info on the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament and the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament? I remember reading years ago that they were questionable and not to be trusted. I have been using the Olive Tree app for years and they add those extra definitions to Strong's Lexicon. I had forgotten about that until finding an error today - which was not in Strongs in Swordsearcher. Looking quickly online, I see the TDNT was edited by Gerhard Kittel - a german higher critic who was antisemitic and a supporter of the nazis. I hope I have not accepted any of their definitions that may have been off, but I am going to have to dig into the studies and devotionals I have posted the last several years just to be sure.
Does anyone have any info on the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament and the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament? I remember reading years ago that they were questionable and not to be trusted. I have been using the Olive Tree app for years and they add those extra definitions to Strong's Lexicon. I had forgotten about that until finding an error today - which was not in Strongs in Swordsearcher. Looking quickly online, I see the TDNT was edited by Gerhard Kittel - a german higher critic who was antisemitic and a supporter of the nazis. I hope I have not accepted any of their definitions that may have been off, but I am going to have to dig into the studies and devotionals I have posted the last several years just to be sure.

I find both of these works have value, but as with ANY work produced by men, you still have to let the Holy Spirit guide & direct you.

I accept the KJV as the Word of God preserved in the English tongue. I have been studying the Word, formally and informally, for over 30 years. And I trust the Holy Ghost, and what the Word teaches of His ministry (especially what those red words in John 14-17 say about the Spirit and believers). So no matter the extra Biblical reference work, I try to judge whatever is said according to the Word.

I also will look at Vine's, but find him somewhat untrustworthy at times, in terms of what we are discussing, much more than Robertsons.

I wish they were available for SwordSearcher, and I understand in general why they may not be available right now.

MyBible, which is an Android app, does give you access to at least TWOT & Vines, and some others. The devolper is based in Russia I believe.

And (this has nothing to do with what we are discussing) - Man! I gotta update my profile pic!
I use TWOT, TDNT (the full 10 volume set), and Vines. Not in SS but in theWord and have used them for a long time. This part of why I have struggled with using SS. I like some of the tools Brandon offers, but find the module sets very limiting. And I have not been KJV-only for 40 years.