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User-submitted The Spirit World (Larkin) [LSW] 1.3
by Clarence Larkin

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wsbones submitted a new resource:

The Spirit World (Larkin) [LSW] - by Clarence Larkin

This book covers all phases of the "Spirit World." It treats of the "Powers of Good and Evil," of "The Under-world," of "Satan," the "Fallen Angels," "Demonism," the "Intermediate State," and of Heaven and Hell, as well as the "Resurrection of the Body," and the "Judgments" of the Righteous and Wicked. The numerous charts illuminate the descriptive matter, and beautiful pictures show the ministry of angels and other heavenly beings. The prayer of the Author is that the Holy Spirit will use the...

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I usually don't have a problem downloading these files, but I couldn't download it either (it's already in my SwordSearcher library - I was just testing the download). I changed my security setting in Chrome from 'enhanced' to 'standard' and still couldn't get to the download site, so I opened Edge to try there and I got the message that I couldn't download the .exe file safely, so Edge wouldn't download it either. Maybe if the file was zipped, it would be allowed to be downloaded.
Here's a link on my OneDrive. Download and unzip to the SwordSearcher User Directory. I'll also post an update to the module on the forum.
That did it, Bill! Even with my security setting changed back to enhanced, I downloaded the zipped file without a problem. 🙂
The whole 🌎 of SwordSearcher 9.0 . . . U n b e l i e v a b l e !
I just noticed that the images in The Spirit World are all transparent GIF files. It is not an issue when using a white background. In dark mode the images can look strange. I'll see if there is an easy way to convert the transparent GIFs to having a white background. Otherwise, just switch to light mode in SS when viewing this module.