Thompson Chain Reference Comprehensive Bible Helps

Ken Sturgeon

Active Member
Is there any possibility that the section titled "Comprehensive Bible Helps" found at the back of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible's printed versions could be added as another SS book or added to the existing TCR module?

The section I'm referring to can be seen in this video from the KJV Store (Thompson Comprehensive Bible Helps) starting at the 00:27:13 minute mark. I realize there are copyright concerns but hope that these may already be addressed since the cross references already exist in SS.

I know all of the cross references are in SS but I can spend hours perusing through the comprehensive helps.

Thank you
I would also be a "buyer" . . .
Lots of references, + pics, + and more.
Indeed, it would be nice to access that knowledge in SS9, for sure ! ! !
Do you know if there is a digital source for this as it appeared in the original printing? It would need to precede any modern copyrighted updates for me to add it to the Deluxe library.