Trail of Blood - J.M. Carroll (1852-1931)

User-submitted Trail of Blood - J.M. Carroll (1852-1931) Ver. 1.0.1
Baptist leader and historian. The History of Baptist Churches From the Time of Christ.

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Pastor Langley

Active Member
Pastor Langley submitted a new module:

Trail of Blood - J.M. Carroll (1852-1931) - Baptist leader and historian. The History of Baptist Churches From the Time of Christ.

I really enjoyed this module as it brought back memories from my home in central Arkansas not far from Monticello. That little church taught me that History (HIS-Story) Jesus, was very important. I am greatful and thankful for that little Baptist Church making sure that when I asked the question, "What difference does it make what church you go to?" As soon as they could they gave me that little red book with a chart and said we are teaching a class tonight, be here! That was 50 years...

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