Understanding the Bible: An Independent Baptist Commentary

You could burn the installer to a CD or put it on a Flash Drive. I backed mine up on an external drive.

I've been there before with massive PC crashes. Now I backup everything plus I recently added offsite backup to my systems.
You could burn the installer to a CD or put it on a Flash Drive. I backed mine up on an external drive.

I've been there before with massive PC crashes. Now I backup everything plus I recently added offsite backup to my systems.
I burn a new DVD with every update, keep it in my One Cloud and put it on a Flash drive. I think I covered all bases lol.
Yes Nathan & Bob, I appreciate the input. I'm not ignorant. But I am interested in what Brandon has to say.
I think it would be good to offer a CD option (for both addon modules and upgrades), especially for those with slow/unreliable Internet.
I think it would be good to offer a CD option (for both addon modules and upgrades), especially for those with slow/unreliable Internet.
I believe that used to be the case, when it was being offered by the author's company. I think.
Yes Nathan & Bob, I appreciate the input. I'm not ignorant. But I am interested in what Brandon has to say.
Apologies if I came off implying you are ignorant, that was never my intention.
Brandon, I'm sure you've already given this some thought, but I have had to face a PC crash in the past, and live through the aftermath, not to mention upgrading to a new PC. So actually having a disk to use for installation is really helpful. I have thought about other ways to save actual documents (because even though it's a pain in the butt to have to go through the process of any new or upgrade in terms of hardware, a disk sure does help).

So, I get that the D/L is sufficient, but is there a disk option? Or did I miss that? I very much want to order this, and have been working towards being able to afford to do it (no one needs to shed any tears for me, just a statement of fact), and I believe you'd be the first person to recognize how legitimate this concern is.

Anyway, just curious. (Not having a disk will NOT prevent me from buying.)
There is no disc option for this add-on, but if you have a DVD-ROM burner, you can easily make one yourself. Or just copy the downloaded file to a memory stick.
I think it would be good to offer a CD option (for both addon modules and upgrades), especially for those with slow/unreliable Internet.
The add-on module in question is pretty small data-size-wise.

There are several factors going into the decision not to offer a physical disc for the add-on, but it really just boils down to what is economical. There is not enough demand for physical copies of this add-on to pay for the costs of producing the discs with the minimums required to have them done automatically.
There is no disc option for this add-on, but if you have a DVD-ROM burner, you can easily make one yourself. Or just copy the downloaded file to a memory stick.
Understood. Thank you for the explanation.

Did the Author used to offer it on CD which would integrate with SS? Or was there ever CD for it? I know Dr Sorenson offers a CD and D/L of the work itself, not necessarily integrateable into SS (and the SS version is less expensive, too). Not trying to give you a hard time Brandon, I'm just curious.
Did the Author used to offer it on CD which would integrate with SS? Or was there ever CD for it? I know Dr Sorenson offers a CD and D/L of the work itself, not necessarily integrateable into SS (and the SS version is less expensive, too). Not trying to give you a hard time Brandon, I'm just curious.
No, the UTB SwordSearcher add-on has only been available from me. If I recall correctly, and I may not, when I first started selling it, there was an option to have a one-off disc service burn a copy and mail it for an extra fee, but that hasn't been the case for years now.
No, the UTB SwordSearcher add-on has only been available from me. If I recall correctly, and I may not, when I first started selling it, there was an option to have a one-off disc service burn a copy and mail it for an extra fee, but that hasn't been the case for years now.
Well, I am sure you know better than me. Thanks for the response.
I can not remember when I purchased UTB but it has been years and I often refer to it as I do other commentaries in SS and my bookcase library. I am not sorry I purchased UTB and I am not sorry I've purchased many hard copies for my library over the course of thirty plus years. Some of the authors I cannot always agree with their doctrinal position, but I have learned to overlook those positions and glean from that portion with which I agree. My father, Baptist minister of the Gospel for 70 years, after looking at my library he said, "Brother Don, when you read, always keep your separator running in the background of your mind." I have been blessed to do that and often am rewarded with new thoughts that I otherwise may not have considered. Enjoy UTB, there is much good stuff there.