Verse Format SwordSearcher Inside Book Modules Building

Pastor Langley

Active Member
When I type full scripture reference like John 3:16, Revelation 5:21, etc. The format is Joh 3:16, Re 5:21, for book module.
No complaint just want to learn something. SwordSearcher is almost like Trump MAGA, Make Bible Study Great Again!
I would like to know if I simply have misread or NOT READ the proper place on this formatting and or if we can control that output too? Do we have this feature to adjust this output? Thanks in advance!
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If you type a recognizable reference, SwordSearcher will use your preferred book abbreviations to display it.

You can control abbreviations in File, Preferences, Bible Book Abbreviations. This will apply globally in SwordSearcher.


If you want to override this behavior in your user modules, technically you can, by hard-coding Bible verse links in the code editor and supplying your own anchor text. I don't recommend that, it can frustrate other features in the software.
Thanks for the response. ⚔️ I agree, that area I want to leave as is as well. 🧑‍🎓 It works.