Verse Link Divisions


Active Member
Instead of having to put the word "and" between verses (to create links without each verse being in the same link), could we just use a comma or semi colon?

I just noticed the devs of this forum knows what I'm talking about:
Rather than trying to trick the system, just use the feature intended for this purpose. The system is designed with good reason to group the contiguous references internally. If you want to change how the links are shown at runtime, you can. I may be misunderstanding your request, though, because the default behavior is to give you individual links.


If this isn't what you meant, show me a screen shot of the exact behavior you are trying to change, and then a screen shot of the end result of what you are getting when you add the word "and," etc.
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The change would be mainly for the user content. All I can see is the word "and" when opening this.

Whoever made that module chose to format it that way. 🤷‍♂️
Leave the word and out where you don't want to see it.
If I put a space then the verses join together. Is there a dividing operator other than 'and' ?

View attachment 2464
The dotted underline just shows you what will be linked, so it won't change what you are typing while you are editing. How the link actually looks in the final result is controlled by the setting mentioned in my first reply. Unless you change away from the default setting, the end result will be exactly what you have been asking for.
For clarification. During editing, the dotted underline just informs you of what the editor considers a valid verse reference:


Then when you view the actual entry in the text panel, it is formatted according to your preferences (as mentioned in the first reply above):


Also note that the comma cannot be used to "separate verse references" for the fact that for hundreds of years literally every published work uses commas to separate verse numbers in a chapter:verse reference.

There are some things that SwordSearcher will do with your verse references. It will always standardize them. So for example the 1,2,3 verse numbers in my sample text above is standardized to 1-3 as you would expect. There are some other things but you will see those as you edit. Just press CTRL+S while you are editing (or click the save icon) to see how it is rendered in the final text panel.
The semicolon works, I missed that. Thank you.
The semicolon is optional. You can use one if you want. I typically don't bother, as seen in my sample screen shot above. SwordSearcher will format multiple verses references with different books using semicolons as the delimiter for display, but it's not needed when you type them in.
Ok thank you. How can I tell it the situations when I want it to obfuscate the book/chapter reference when in a sequence?


In this particular example I want the book reference to appear in every entry. But not in all circumstances.
Sorry if the answer to this is already in the manual.
In this particular example I want the book reference to appear in every entry. But not in all circumstances.
Then you'll need to insert something between the references and breaks the list, such as the word "and" and start the book reference again.
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