Verse Selection in Paragraph Mode

Ken Sturgeon

Active Member
Perhaps I'm simply overlooking the obvious but I cant seem to find an easy way to select a verse and give it focus (set active verse and perform sync options) when in paragraph mode in the bible window.
Thank you.
If I am understanding what you are asking... just double click the verse number to bring it into focus and also get the verse guide. Maybe I don't get what you are asking, sorry if I don't.
In paragraph mode, you can do this by double-clicking the verse number, as Mobi suggested. This option is controlled in the Sync Options page of Preferences:

Yeah, I can double click and it brings up the verse list but I just want to give the verse focus if I click on it without having to dismiss the verse list; the same action that happens when you click on the verse widget "( )". I can use the Alt + up/dn to select the previous or the next verse but if I want to select a verse that is several verses away from the one that currently has focused it'd be much easier to just click on it.
Yeah, I can double click and it brings up the verse list but I just want to give the verse focus if I click on it without having to dismiss the verse list; the same action that happens when you click on the verse widget "( )". I can use the Alt + up/dn to select the previous or the next verse but if I want to select a verse that is several verses away from the one that currently has focused it'd be much easier to just click on it.

Do you have the Topic Guide option selected in the Sync Options page? If you don't, it should (at least, the design intent is to) do exactly what clicking the sync verse widget button would do.
