Will SwordSearcher work with Windows 12?


Active Member
I see that Windows 12 is planned to come out this year, not sure if I will get it, probably not. But will Sword Searcher work with Windows 12?
I have no idea on what it takes to make a program work when a new version of Windows gets released, so that is why I'm asking. Thanks!
I can't find any reputable source that says Microsoft has announced Windows 12 (as of January 2025), but I have no reason to believe that the current version of SwordSearcher won't work properly on Windows 12. If history is any guide, it will work fine.

There are occasionally changes that require updating some of SwordSearcher's user interface code to paint properly, as there was when Windows 11 was released, but these have always been minor issues easily addressed.

But until Microsoft starts making preview releases available, nobody can do anything except make guesses.

My educated guess is that SwordSearcher will work fine on Windows 12, whenever there is a Windows 12.
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